February 12, 2008 PC

Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, February 12, 2007

Call to Order: Jennifer called the meeting to order at 7:00.
Roll call:
Present: Kim Richter, Jennifer Smith
Absent: Darby Lohrding, Paul Maline, Jeff Robertson

Approval of Minutes: No quorum.

Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None

Notices and Communications: The City Commission approved funds for a Planning and Zoning Commission recruitment postcard. Kim developed a postcard and she and Jennifer edited it.

Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None

Old Business: Developers of the industrial park near the intersection of K-10 and the Farmer’s Turnpike wrote the commission to ask for contact information to update us on the development.

New Business: Kim and Jennifer discussed the Shannon avenue request for information regarding zoning and whether it is in a floodplain. It is, and any new buildings will have to adhere to Ordinance 739. Jennifer will communicate this back to Sandy, who will pass the information along to the property owner.