April 21, 2008


7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were also present. City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, City Treasurer, John Hoffman and City Attorney Lee Hendricks were present. Residents present: Lori Wilkins, Bonnie & Steve Fugett, Chris Neavitt, Brenda Mullins, Sandy Jacquot, Cyndi Treaster, Chris Huston, and Shane Jones. Planning Commission Members Jeff Robertson, Mary Jane Hoffer, and Kim Richter were present. Three students were present.

Tim McNish made a motion to approve the April 7, 2008 minutes changing “slap” for slab in the ninth paragraph. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays. It was noted by the city employees that a check payable to Haynes Equipment would be held until the work was completed.

Mark Tunstall made a motion to pay the bills before them. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays.

City Attorney Lee Hendricks presented several areas of interest for city officials to be cautious of in regard to the KOMA. There were questions and discussion regarding the KOMA.

Jeff Robertson, Planning Commission chairperson reported to the council that Mr. Shane Jones met with the PC to discuss building homes at the area north end of Jones Street. The city clerk stated with information furnished by a resident an easement for Jones Street was located. The question was brought up “where does Jones Street end”. City Attorney Lee Hendricks stated platting the property would probably solve this issue. The city clerk is to study the easement to see if she can acquire more information.

There was discussion regarding property south of town the city would like to build a water tower on. The title company used by the city engineer has still not located the owner(s) of all the property. The council is concerned about the timeline for getting the water plant bids out, the water plant completed on time as well as getting bids out on the tower. Justin reported the state is concerned about disposal of the brine from the water plant. Other alternatives discussed were reverse osmosis and lime. It was decided at this time to continue with salt as a softener. Justin is to look into alternative ways to dispose of the brine, i.e. KDOT. The council requested Lee to contact Donna as to where we need to be on the water plant grant. Also contact Kenneth, what can the city do to move forward with the plant and tower projects; do we need to get a new title company? The council also requested Lee to let Kenneth know they want the water plant area surveyed ASAP without surveying the south property at this time if necessary. Keep the council informed with a schedule of events to happen and when they are to happen.

A building permit application for a deck and pool was submitted for Patrick Winchester. After review and discussion Mark made a motion to accept the building permit application. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

It was reported SCI has not paid the seconded half 2007 franchise fee that were due January 20, 2008. Two letters requesting the payment had been sent by the city clerk. The council requested the city attorney to contact SCI.

Justin shared bids received for a skid loader, hoist, mower and work on the city hall and community building. After discussion regarding the bid for work to the city hall and the community building Jimmy made a motion to have the gutter work on both buildings done, gables and windows painted on the community building. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The mower will not be replaced at this time. There was discussion regarding the bobcat and hoist bids, how to pay for these items. It was decided to lease/purchase the skid loader and pay for the hoist. Jennifer made a motion to lease/purchase the skid loader from KC Bobcat for $22,971.52. Jimmy seconded the motion. Jennifer amended her motion to also accept the hoist bid from Heinen.
Jimmy made a motion to accept Jennifer’s amended motion, Mark seconded the amended motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The First State Bank in Perry would lease/purchase the equipment at 4.65% for three years. Douglas County Bank would lease/purchase at 4.597% for three years. The council agreed to state with First State as they do a lot for the community and are local. The city clerk is to see if they will meet the 4.597% offered by Douglas County Bank.

Doug Stevens from Douglas County contacted Justin to see if the company painting the bridge can park equipment in the lagoon area. The council said this would be okay.

A bid for a retaining wall was submitted from Worthington Lawn & Tree. The council would like to have additional bids.

A letter from Carolyn Mathews Stewart was read. Lee will take care of the reply.
There was discussion regarding the location of a Farmer’s Market and liability insurance. The Farmer’s Market will bee the first full week in June to the last full week in October. Jimmy may a motion the city acquire and pay for liability insurance to cover the city for the Farmer’s Market and the Farmer’s Market Association not pay this back this year. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Communication from Michial Coffman was shared. No action was taken at the recommendation of the city attorney.
Karen Sanford called stating at this time she would not be able to serve on the PC.

It was reported the Governing Body Handbooks would be updated in 2009. The council recommended waiting to purchase books until after the update. Handbooks that were on hand were given to those interested.

The treasurer and the new part-time employee will receive a salary of $10.00 per hour.

No action was taken regarding easement of a street be a dedication.

Mayor Paslay reported the Lohman brush pile is to be burned April 28.

Jennifer reported four trees had been planted by the LVC at the Service Center. An anonymous donor will pay for one tree, LVC will pay for a tree, the nursery donated a tree, and the city will pay either $80 or total cost of a tree, depending on what the past minutes state.

Once Clark Street has been surveyed the council instructed Justin to complete the clearing of the property.

9:40 Jennifer made a motion to adjourn to April 28, 2008 6 PM to the BZA public hearing. Mark seconded the motion and the vote was 5yeas, 0 nays.

9:40 P.M. Jennifer made a motion to adjourn to April 28, 2008 BZA Public Hearing Meeting. Mark seconded, and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk