6:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay reconvened the April 21 City Council Meeting at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS in order for council members to attend the BZA Public Hearing. Council Members Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were also present. City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, City Treasurer, City Engineer and City Attorney Lee Hendricks were present. Resident Ed Smith was present.
6:00 PM the BZA Public Hearing was opened by Chairperson Roger Bartels. BZA member Cindy Stansell and Jennifer Smith were also present. Chairperson Bartels read the Public Hearing notification. Chairperson Bartels requested comments from the public. Ed Smith stated the following reasons he opposed locating the water plant at the suggested new site: in residential area; cost; not necessary to have plant in residential area; noise; trucks; the area should be green space; additional raw water line to maintain now and in the future would be more costly; head pressure on well pumps.
City Attorney Lee Hendricks stated the current water plant location property while owned by the city is not in the city limits. The new location would be in the city limits. This information was learned within a week of knowledge semi-trucks delivering salt to the plant would have difficulty delivering the salt. Mr. Hendricks noted this information was presented to the council at their next meeting. Mr. Smith did not attend this meeting.
City Engineer Kenneth Shetlar presented the following reasons for relocating the water plant: keep the current plant in production during the building of the new plant being more cost efficient that purchasing water from RWD #3; safety regarding delivery trucks; brine disposal closer to sewer lines; 3 phase electric power upgrade more economical; all weather access; less rock when building; natural gas available.
Tim McNish stated he had not been able to locate in the Zoning and Comprehensive books information that the area of the new location was to be held for green space.
The following discussions were held:
If the plant was located in the current location the plant in use now would have to be removed prior to building the new plant. Water would have to be purchased from RWD #3. Estimated cost to purchase would be $6.10 per thousand gallons.
Current raw water line is estimated to be ¼ mile. The raw water line is cleaned one to two times per year. Mr. Wilkins stated a resident living near the new location would not have a problem with a new water plant located at the new site.
6:31 the Public Hearing was closed.
After discussion and review the BZA approved the new location site. 6:48 BZA adjourned.
A time schedule was furnished by Kenneth Shetlar for the water plant and tower. KDHE is expected to approve a draft permit within the next week. KDHE requests monitoring of the chloride discharge from the water plant for 1 -2 years. There was discussion regarding degradation of 75’ used for current discharge. Lee Hendricks discussed the time schedule and the next move regarding property for tower location. Kenneth will furnish an updated schedule for the second meeting of each month. There is still 70’ strip being studied. Until this information is furnished, he cannot proceed with a letter to the property owner. Adverse possession does not included municipalities.
$100,000 loan to be paid in August was mentioned with the possibility to pay off with CDs to be renewed saving reissuing fees and additional interest. The City Clerk is to consult the City Accountant and to contact Dan Fischer with Rural Development to see if the $100,000 could then be refunded to the city and included in the loan as was planned.
The council approved $80 for a purchase of a tree to be place at the Service Center on Woodson Ave by the Lecompton Volunteer Committee. The cost of the tree was $100. Tim McNish donated $20 for the remainder cost of the tree.
7:26 P.M. Jennifer made a motion to adjourn. Christy and Jimmy seconded, and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk