January 12, 2009 PC

Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, January 12, 2009

Call to Order: Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:05.
Roll call:
Present: Kim Richter, Mary Jane Hoffer, Betty Corel, Jeff Robertson
Absent: Paul Maline, Steve Cretsinger, Darby Lohrding
Visitor: N/A

Approval of Minutes: December notes (they were not minutes, because a quorum was not present) reviewed.

Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None

Notices and Communications:
– Kim will attend the Lawrence City Commission meeting on Tuesday January 13 to see what’s happening with the sector planning.

Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None

Old Business: None

New Business: None

Study Session: None

Adjourn: Kim moved, Mary Jane seconded we adjourn.