April 6, 2009

7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council regular meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Mark Tunstall, Tim McNish, and Jennifer Smith were present. Also present were the following: City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols City Attorney Lee Hendricks, and Mike Emming from SKW, residents Elsie Middleton and John Hackathorn.

Jennifer Smith made a motion to approve the March 16, 2009 minutes. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Christy made a motion to approve the $69,869.65 to Midland when the funds are available. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

It was noted the bid opening for the tower would take place Tuesday May 12, 2009 at 2:00 PM in the city office.
Justin discussed Westar needing to relocate power poles when supplying the new water plant with power. There was discussion regarding the cost of running power underground. The council recommended Westar move forward as needed without running underground power. It was reported that locate flags are being removed, locate paint is being painted over. No one has witnessed who is doing this at this time. It was recommended that Midland contact Kansas utility companies regarding the problem. The City Attorney recommended no additional action be taken at this time.
Mike Emming gave a progress report on the water plant. There was discussion regarding where the brine discharge would go. At this time KDHE is recommending discharge to go to the lagoons: “Solution to pollution is dilution” could be the case at the lagoons. Mike shared there would be new EPA regulations lowering limits that will require upgrading at the lagoons, possibly mechanical or modifications. Mike said it would make sense to do the upgrade now rather than later. There would need to be a minimum of two or three pumps. Pros and cons to having pumps and back up pumps at the lagoons were discussed: pumps not working, power outages, location of the pumps during heavy rains/flooding. Mike stated communication from the pumps could give a warning when there was a problem. Information is still coming from KDHE. New housing growth was noted as needing to be taken into consideration. There was discussion regarding communication between the new water plant and the new water tower. Mike stated it would be cheaper in the long run to go wireless, it would pay for itself in 4 – 5 years. There will need to be a 60’ tower at the plant. Mike will check on different wireless companies. Lee will check to see if the height of the tower is a problem concerning zoning. There will need to be a brine tank that can store 30 ton of brine. We brine is ordered we will be charged for 25 ton. Mike is checking on level sensors that will tell how much brine is remaining in the tank before ordering. Tonka equipment can be delivered early or on schedule. Security at the new water plant site has been discussed. The bid ad for the new water plant will be in the paper April 12, 2009. Bids will be opened May 12, 2009, 2 PM at Lecompton City Office. Justin and Jimmy talked with a representative of a water tank at the KRWA annual conference. Justin and Mike will make arrangements to look at a bolted pedestal tank they have available in Parsons. This company thought they could have the tank up within 90 days. The tank would have a 10 year warranty. They have ground storage tanks and stand tanks. The company is moving into bolted pedestal tanks with epoxy baked coating that last the life of the tank. The water tank bid ad will allow for either type of storage. Mike will attend the second meeting in May when the water tower bids are presented.

Do to the length of discussion at this time the bill from Rick Ensz will be tabled until the April 20th meeting.

Dave Bogner was present to discuss the audit report.

Lee explained the process to annex property and presented an ordinance 795 to annex the water tower property in to the City of Lecompton. A motion was made and seconded to annex the tower ordinance. The vote was unanimous.

A Fair Housing Proclamation was presented by the Mayor. Christy made a motion to accept the proclamation. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

John Hackathorn was present to discuss the KU bike race. Mr. Hackathorn had concerns leaving and returning from his driveway. He also had concerns about people being able to get the post office. There was discussion that there had been no problems last year and possibly the letter sent out this year did not explain how the roads and driveways would be managed. If this opportunity is available next year, the council will ask more questions and be sure resident’s needs to come and go are considered.

It was reported the Planning Commission is in need of at least one new member. Letters have been sent to several residents that had expressed interest in their community.

Jennifer report Kroegers’ had concerns that the dirt from the property west was filling in the ditch and creating problems on the street as well as drainage. Mr. Kelley had been in the office prior to this stating he is trying to work on this issue. He has ordered dirt that has not been delivered and he has rock waiting to be delivered once the dirt is in place. The council would like a letter sent asking Mr. Kelley to give them and update report in 30 days.

Cushion chairs will remain in the city office.
Chip & seal: In 2008 the north side of town was to have chip and seal. The weather became to cold to complete this and the same price would be allowed Lecompton in the spring of 2009 to complete the project. In 2009 the south side of town was to have chip and seal. Whitfield and Clark Streets will have nothing done to them until the water projects have been completed. After discussion as to what streets were in need of chip and seal, Mark made a motion to not do chip and seal but to revisit overlay of streets at the first council meeting in August.

Jennifer asked if Territorial date numbers could be put on the “Welcome to Lecompton” signs. Justin will do this. Jennifer reported the Farmer’s Market would be back this year on Tuesday evenings. Could stall markings be done for Farmer’s Market and Territorial Days? Jimmy said he would do this. Justin said he would help. Farmer’s Market will start May 19.
Heart of America Council, Boy Scouting in Kansas City, sent a letter of inquires for a service project they could do. May 15, 2009 is the deadline to submit a service project.
Andrew Smith will be present at the April 20, 2009 meeting to discus a Resolution regarding Federal Economic Renewal Grants.

Winter shut off fee for residents that are out of town for several months was discussed. The city clerk is to collect information as what other cities do and report back to the council.
Home that does not have anyone living in it but would like to have water on, no trash being produced, would like to have trash removed from the billing. The council approved while no one is living there.
A letter was sent to SCI requesting January’s franchise payment.
John Chaney has not produced legal information regarding a pad that was built over the sewer main. The city clerk is to send a letter.

Jennifer will bring information regarding the 155th Anniversary T-shirts to the next meeting.
Elsie asked why “Hatcher” was on the agenda. The council explained it is an on going clean up that is being monitored.
There is concern regarding vehicles still on the Stauffer property.
Retaining wall: There was discussion to build a retaining wall from the city hall to approximately 50’ pass the CB steps. Jimmy and Justin will work on this project. Jennifer made a motion to continue working toward the retaining wall. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

9:31 P.M. A motion was made to adjourn and seconded. The vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk