April 13, 2009 PC

Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday April 13, 2008

Call to Order: Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:07.
Roll call:
Present: Jeff Robertson, Mary Jane Hoffer, Betty Corel, Kimber Richter, Paul Maline
Absent: Steve Cretsinger, Darby Lohrding
Visitors: none

Approval of Minutes: Mary Jane and Paul seconded to approve minutes and notes from November, December, January, February, and March – approved unanimously.

Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None

Notices and Communications:

Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None

Old Business:

New Business:
-Paul moved, Mary Jane seconded to remove Steve Cretsinger from the planning commission because he moved out of the city limits and also missed too many meetings—passed unanimously.

-Mary Jane made a motion, Paul seconded the move to send Darby a letter with the bylaws to remind her that planning commission members that miss three meetings are subject to removal, and to encourage her to attend – approved unanimously.

-Sandy mailed invitation letters to a number of city residents inviting them to join the Planning Commission.

-Betty moved, Mary Jane seconded approval of the new bylaws, approved unanimously.

-Jeff asked that all commissioners be careful not to interrupt each other during meetings.

-All budget concerns went to the city council.

Study Session: None

Adjourn: Mary Jane motioned, Paul seconded we adjourn, passed unanimously.

Notes by: Kimber Richter, Secretary