Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday May 11, 2008
Call to Order: Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:07.
Roll call:
Present: Jeff Robertson, Mary Jane Hoffer, Kimber Richter, Elsie Middleton
Absent: Paul Maline, Betty Corel
Visitors: Sherri Neill, Barbara Haney, Melvin Dark, Dave Dark, Sandy Nichols
Approval of Minutes: Mary Jane moved and Kim seconded to approve minutes from April, pending correcting spelling of Mary Jane’s name – approved unanimously.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions: None
Notices and Communications:
Reports of Standing and Special Committees: None
Old Business:
New Business:
-Sherri Neill would like to split her 11-acre lot at 515 Whitfield 3 ways. She wondered whether she should go ahead and do a lot split, then get the lot re-platted when she wants to build again. Several present commented that it would be best to get the whole lot re-platted into three separate lots the first time around.
-Sandy Nichols is interested in splitting her lot at 537 Boone St. She can follow the lot split procedure as outlined in the City of Lecompton Subdivision Regulations, Article X.
Darby Lohrding tendered her resignation as planning commissioner, and Sandy sent her a letter reminding her to turn in her planning commission books.
Study Session: None
Adjourn: Mary Jane motioned, Elsie seconded we adjourn, passed unanimously.
Notes by: Kimber Richter, Secretary