7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council regular meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Mark Tunstall, and Tim McNish, were present. Jennifer Smith was absent. Also present were the following: City Superintendent, Justin Van Winkle, City Clerk, Sandy Nichols, City Engineer, Kenneth Shetlar and City Attorney, Lee Hendricks. Visitors present were: Melinda Wingfield, Elsie Middleton, Vickie Marino, and Mr. & Mrs. Dusty Gruver.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the May 4, 2009 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the bills before them. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Melinda Wingfield was present to discuss the Lecompton Ball Association. The Lecompton Ball Association would like to have a donation from the city. Jimmy Wilkins, Lecompton Ball Association President, reported there were approximately 110 children enrolled in this years ball programs. Uniforms cost about $60.00. Mark made a motion for the city to donate $500 to the ball association. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 2 yeas, Christy and Jimmy abstained do to their involvement in the ball association. Mark asked if the $500 had been enough last year. He requested a budget next year as to how the $500 had been spent.
Vickie Marino was present to discuss Territorial Days. Vickie shared the 2008 Territorial Day budget. Location and which electric meters were to be used was discussed. Vickie expressed appreciation of Justin’s assistance last year with work regarding the electric meters. There was discussion regarding the t-shirts to be sold at Territorial Days. Vickie said the 155th anniversary for the City of Lecompton was on the t-shirts. Vickie said information regarding entries for the t-shirt contest and winners was available on the web. Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to donate $1200.00 to the Territorial Committee. Tim McNish seconded the meeting and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Terri Smith was present to discuss a resolution adopting the Douglas County Emergency Management Operations Plan. Terri explained how the plan would work. Mark made a motion to pass Resolution #261, the Douglas County Emergency Management Operations Plan. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays. Terri discussed a base state radio system that could be available to Lecompton if they wish to be responsible for maintenance, up keep and training of the system. The radio would connect to Douglas County EOC station. The radio would be in the city hall and an antennae on the roof. Terri will get more information regarding cost to maintain and up keep for the council to study.
Kenneth Shetlar shared bid tabulation for the 2 PM bid openings for the new water tower. Phoenix Fabricators and Erectors had low bid of $507,400 for Part A. Banks Construction had low bid of $67,097.00 for Part B. Donna Crawford, grant writer, and Dan Fischer from Rural Development were both acquainted with Banks Construction and would have no problems working with them on this project. Kenneth stated the bids would be within budget. Christy made a motion to award the bids as presented subject to funding notification from CDBG and Rural Development. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Kenneth reported the floor was poured at the new water plant today, more pour will take place Thursday or Friday of this week; plant equipment is to arrive Tuesday May 26th; the building is to arrive June 1. Midland stated they were about two weeks behind but expected no problems getting back on schedule. Mike Emmling will be present at the next council meeting to give a report on the progress meeting for the water plant.
Dusty Gruver was present to discuss the clean up of Joe Stauffer’s property. Council Member McNish stated he had driven by the property prior to the council meeting. In Tim’s opinion the clean up of the property is acceptable. There was a trailer of iron that Mr. Gruver said he would be hauling off. There was discussion regarding tagging of vehicles and a non-tagged vehicle is okay if it is in the barn. The file for clean up of this property is now closed. Mr. Gruver asked if information could be mailed to him instead of Joe Stauffer. The city attorney stated information could be sent to Mr. Gruver in the future but would also need to be sent to the property owner. Mrs. Gruver asked if they could have a couple of chickens. It was stated the city code does not permit chickens.
Mayor Roy Paslay appointed Cindy Stansell to continue on the BZA. Tim made a motion to approve Mayor Paslay’s appointment of Cindy Stansell to the BZA board. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Christy reported the LKM conference in Topeka was informative.
The council asked the city attorney’s opinion on an encroachment agreement that John Chaney brought in. The attorney would like to make a few changes and bring back to the council.
Lee reported that Bill Robert’s was calling at least once a week with updates on working on his property. Mayor Paslay reported Mr. Robert’s was getting bids to repair the porch and roof, and that trees had been removed. No additional action will be taken at this time.
Driveway washing into street on Boone Street: Justin reported he had cleaned ditches on both sides of Boone Street and there is an area on the north side of the driveway that can drain into the ditch. The fire department will work at cleaning out a tube in the vicinity. Tim reported he hand delivered a letter from the council to Patrice Kelley regarding the driveway. Brian had planned to haul dirt but it has been to wet. Tim stated he would come down and help with the drive if needed. The city attorney recommended the city not work on private property. If the work is not done by the deadline code 8-101 could be enforced.
Lee will have information regarding handicap signs for the next meeting.
Codes for shutting off service if there is a returned check, is okay as is.
Lee reported he has requested information from Phil Wolfe to compare information that was furnished by Rick Ensz. This information has not arrived at this time. No additional action will be taken at this time.
Tim shared that he had talked with Nicole Sawyer about a boat in the driveway on 7th street. Nicole has taken the motor, the boat pieces have been set out for trash pickup. The trailer is being kept for future use.
Coletta resolution will be discussed at the June 15 meeting. The question was asked what would be done with belongings that are in the buildings. The attorney stated there would need to be publication notice, auction, etc.
Justin reported he had put rock on Clark Street. He has not started putting rock down the hill. Much more rock will be needed. He also reported he had been using the township dump truck and a tire was damaged and will need to be replaced. Interested has been expressed for the City of Lecompton, Lecompton Township, and the Fire District to go together to purchase a hot water with soap pressure washer that would be stored at the Fire Department. The council is in favor with collecting more information. There was discussion regarding lighting on Clark Street near the new water plant and on the water plant building. After discussion it was recommended to place a street light at each corner of the city’s west property and place a motion detector light on the building. Justin visited with Kirk Keberlein regarding internet service. The first of June SCI will be on fibro optic line. The city clerk is to compare SCI and AT&T cost and speed. The ball association would like to use the bobcat. The council is okay with Justin using the bobcat to help the ball association.
Mary Stauffer – file is closed and completed at this time
Craig Weinaug – a joint meeting with the Lecompton City Council and the Douglas County Commissioners will be okay June 17th, 6:35 P.M.
KDOC – audit of the CDBG plant records is good
Pat Gottstein – thank you for business
Jennifer Smith – Mark made a motion to allot $150 for fertilizer and plants, no more than $150. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
LKM picture – There were no suggestions. If the city clerk wants, she can send something of her choice.
Bid requests for 2009 audit were mailed to Louenthal and Auwater in Lawrence.
A 12’ x 12’ deck 18” high will not did a building permit for Dorothy Hertzel.
County Commissioner agenda items: Woodson Ave/1029 intersection – trees in right-of-way.; ditch north of church.
Hatcher: work is still being done; no additional action taken at this time.
9:05 P.M. Tim made a motion to adjourn. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk