November 16, 2009


7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Tim McNish and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, and Mike Emming and resident Elsie Middleton.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the November 16, 2009 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the bills before them. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Mike Emming with SKW was present to give an update on the water plant and water tower projects. After update of the projects Mike asked if the council would agree to a substantial completion contract when remaining items were completed. There was discussion regarding the change order request for rental of equipment: Mike suggested the change order remain as it is. He spoke with Midland and they would not charge for items of the same value on the next change order. Council convened to the new water plant at 7:30 for a walk through. 8:00 P.M. the council returned to the city hall to continue the meeting. Jimmy made a motion to approve change order #1 as it stands. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote was approved 5 yeas, 0 nays. Substantial completion was tabled until the Dec. 21 meeting. Justin told Mike when the remaining meter regulators are installed he would like to have the pressure adjusted on them as they are put in. The city clerk is to contact Patrick Gottstein regarding insurance on the water plant upon completion. Concrete blocks were installed on 7th street by Banks Construction. The crossing of 7th Street repair will be done in the spring. When asked about the light on top of the tower, Mike said he would check. The council had concerns about the light not being there now. Electrical will be run to the tower on poles.

After review of Resolution 267, Christy made a motion to approve Resolution 267. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Planning Commission members are not paid, therefore it is okay for a member to enter the Christmas yard decoration contest.

It was reported Tabetha Mallonee could be bonded for the city treasurer position. Tim made a motion to hire Tabetha for the city treasurer. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Justin: no additional information

A letter was sent to Brian Kelley requesting a final building inspection on his home.
Keystone Learning Center is considering the possibility having to return the building to the city.
Donna Crawford reported there may be more stimulus money available after the first of the year that would be non-matching funds. The city clerk is to ask Donna to attend a council meeting after the first of the year.
CD renewal: Mark made a motion to renew the two First State Bank CDs for 6 months. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Website: Jennifer reported a resident was having problems accessing the website. This should be taken into consideration when the update site is done. Jennifer made a motion the city hire Dan Hinrichsen to update the website and train staff to keep it updated. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
There was discussion regarding sending second notices to residents who have a balance over $5.00. The council approved anything over $5.00 should be sent.
The council approved giving Debbie Corcoran a key to the sheriff’s outreach office to clean.

Old business:
The deck located at 510 Halderman had been inspected when the home was built. There is no need for a building permit to enclose the deck; there is no plumbing or electrical being done.
S. Martin: receipts were paid by Banks Construction; water usage was normal.
C. Bahnmaier: work is continuing
Janes – resolution submitted
Hackathorn; no new information
fuel billing: Justin reported many loads of rock were necessary on Clark Street and to the wells.
Padlocks: Justin reported locks were purchased for new plant and shed by the water tower
Mark stated he wanted Justin to be sure to get rubber gloves, apron, boots, and face shield for work at the new water plant.
Justin’s OT: many hours at the new water plant were required. Tim requested Justin try to coordinate his time when he new he would be needed for trainings and meetings regarding the plant.

9:24 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk