7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, Tim McNish and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Treasurer, City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, and City Attorney Lee Hendricks; residents Elsie Middleton, Gary Bohannan, Kevin and Belinda Janes.
Tim McNish made a motion to approve the December 7, 2009 minutes. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Financial Report was presented by City Treasurer Tabetha Mallonee
Gary Bohannan was present to ask for an extension on paying his January 1, 2010 utility bill. There had been a leak that did not affect the pressure nor was any thing heard. 39,920 gallons of water had been recorded as going through the meter. Water was found under the house. Holes were knocked into the foundation and pumps were used to remove water. Mr. Bohannan had come to the office to see what the billing would be for this. The cost would be $342.28 for the total utility bill January 1, 2010. Mr. Bohannan requested to pay the regular month bill plus extra for six month until the bill is paid that includes the water leak. He would come into the office to work a budget out with the city clerk. The council was in agreement to let the Bohannan’s work out a budget to pay some each month for six month to pay the cost for the water leak.
Patrick Gottstein from JCI Insurance was present to update the council on progress for insurance of the new water plant and new water tower. Mr. Gottstein has paperwork completed. We will need to have city coverage when there is substantial, beneficial use, of the new water plant. The tower will be covered by the construction company until it is painted in the spring of 2010. A phone call and the new insurance will be activated. An estimated additional $4,000 – $5000 will be added for new plant and water to the insurance costs.
Mr. & Mrs. Janes were present to discuss clean up of their property. They have been trying to clean up. They have lived at this location for about a year. The problems had been there for the past six years when the house was vacant and no notifications had been sent. They are doing what they can with the time that Mr. Janes has available when not working. Mrs. Janes is doing what she can. They have made arrangements with SM Ball to add roofing to the trash weekly. Tires have been removed. They request additional time to continue the clean up. The council will review the property at the end of April 2010.
Substantial completion forms: the city clerk is to get the final date for completion to the city attorney. It would be a good idea to make a list of additional costs acquired from the completion date to completion. Justin noted problems that are still happening at the new plant; pumps shutting off and on connected to the height of the water in the tower; tipping of electrical overloads with pumps. There was discussing paying the $102,854.42 and retaining $5,000 when the water plant is not functioning on its own. Jennifer recommended Lee send a letter to Midland that the city is not paying the $102, 854.42 requested at this time. The substantial completion forms, change orders, and pay request were not approved at this time. Lee is to send a letter to Midland and SKW. It is requested that a representative from SKW attend the meeting to explain why they believe the plant is substantially completed. The council requested Lee attends the January 4, 2010 meeting for this discussion. The council was concerned about the “trade off of items” that were to take place from Change Order #1 may not have been made.
Lee shared with the council that he had been in contact with John Riggs regarding legal description for the city boundary. John did not have one. Lee shared the state statue requires a resolution by the end of December in which property has been annexed. Lee recommended a correct resolution over an incorrect resolution on time. The council agreed. There was discussion regarding what a surveyor would charge to do this. Jimmy knows a surveyor that might be interesting in helping. The city clerk is to check with a couple of surveyors to get an estimated cost. Bartlett & West was recommended for one contact.
Justin: Douglas County Public Works will be clearing around 1029 and Woodson Ave back to the right-of-way. The intent is to make it as mowable as possible. Jennifer asked if they would be seeding it and if so with what. If the city wanted a certain type of seed, could the city pay the difference? Justin will check.
Justin wanted clarification on snow removal. In the past he was not to remove snow from private property and was asked by the Mayor to remove snow at Lane Museum for 300 students coming. After discussion the council approved removing snow at Lane Museum.
It was noted there had been a couple of water heaters in town with problems. Justin informed the council no work had been done that would effect water heaters; there was no additional pressure to the system. Justin would notify the city engineer residents are concerned about increase of pressure once the new tower is in use. He will also ask that new meters being installed in the future be set at 70lb pressure. Justin is to check pressure at the following residents: Christy Mallonee, Glenn Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith.
Council recommends information be placed in the spring newsletter regarding possible increase in pressure. If you have “old” water lines you may want to consider replacing if you are concerned.
It was noted some cars in town had been egged.
After discussion, Christy made a motion for Justin to be the delegated voter for the KRWA meeting at the spring 2010 meeting. Jennifer seconds the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
It was noted a letter from Bartless and West had been received notify us that they would like to be of service to the city if the need were to be there.
After discussion it was agreed the CD renewing at Douglas County Bank should be renewed for one year at 1.64% interest.
If another calculator is needed in the office the city clerk may order a 10 key calculator.
It was noted that 2 residents had reported not receiving their utility bill until after the 10th of the month.
Justin noted he has 55.5 vacation hours remaining that he does not believe he will be able to take do to needing to be at the water plant. The council will pay any unused vacation hours.
If Mr. Hackathorn has questions regarding a letter mailed by the city attorney, he is to be referred to contact the city attorney.
9:15 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk