7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Christie Mallonee and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Attorney Lee Hendricks, Kenneth Shetlar representing, SKW, residents Elsie Middleton, Gary Bohannan, Denzil Hackathorn arriving after 8:15 PM.
Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the February 16, 2010 minutes. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Jimmy made a motion to approve the bills before them holding three checks to be paid with CDBG funds until the funds are deposited. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
SKW: Kenneth Shetlar presented a pipeline process application and drawings to be submitted for permission to bore under BNSF railroad. A $600 fee is to be sent with the application. This application will be needed for the lagoon discharge project.
Tower update: A PRV list of address is presented. The list does not include 1” and larger meters. There was discussion regarding pressure. If the cut of is 80# pressure 24 meters would be needed; 75# 63 meters. Duncan may or may not need a PRV. He has a 1” meter. Jimmy questioned the bid being put out without the knowledge of how many meters would be needed and stated concern about additional money for meters. Kenneth state if they had been counted we would have paid for them in the bid. The City is receiving $100 reduction on each meter from Banks. Kenneth stated the total count needed for PRVs should have been in the bid information. There would have been more expense if they were included in the bid. Banks received a price break on the PRVs. There is approximately $21,000 remaining in the RD plant project and $27,000 remaining in the tower project. Kenneth will check with Dan to see if money for the softener can transfer to the sewer project if it is okay with the state. Tim stated he did not think the city should be the ones deciding what pound the meters should be set at. Kenneth stated the tower is planned for the school to have 50lb pressure and future development to the south to have 50lb. Jim and Tim are worried about those that don’t have pressure adjustments. Bohannan’s pressure is 64lb according to Kenneth; 404 Boone Street has 80lb outside and 30lb inside. Justin recommended a waiver if there is a request for additional pressure at a residence. Having the new tower height will raise all pressure 16lb. Kenneth recommended filling the new tower slowly over a week. Justin said that was what he had planned also. Mark asked if Kenneth had an estimate on the cost for the sewer discharge. Kenneth does not have one at this time but will have it for the next council meeting. Kenneth stated Banks does boring work if RD would let us work with him or will it need to be out for bidding? Mark ask about “over spray” when painting the tower. Kenneth did not think that would be a problem. Mark made a motion to set PRV at 75lb on any home with 59 getting 59. Mark made a motion to amend his motion to 80lb. Jennifer seconded the amended motion. The vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Mark made a motion to set the PRVs at 80lb. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Justin stated there were no hour meters for the well, backwash or high service pumps. You cannot tell if a pump is working unless standing and watching the computer board. Tonka would charge $1344 for all meters if done when they are out to install the softener. Kenneth said the hour meters were removed to cut cost when re-bidding the project. Mark suggested hour meters be considered at some time but not tonight.
Justin reported the equipment testing the humidity in the water plant was picked up Friday February 26, 2010. Justin has sent additional water samples as the iron content in the water is going up. Tim stated there were moisture issues in the plant last August. Jimmy stated the insulation problem at the water plant is SKW’s issue until the county gives a final inspection permit. There is a design problem if the building wasn’t designed for a water plant. Jennifer said in the December the contractor stated there were no additional problems. Why was there no notification of a problem until the county building inspector would not pass a final inspection? Jimmy said it had been reported that the problem was not from inside the building. Kenneth said that Shafer Kline and Warren had recommended to the contractor the insulation and siding be removed. Yellow water is caused just before the liquid sodium permanganate gets high.
Jim Long not present.
Leah Rose with Keystone Learning Services was present to request a letter from the council. Keystone has been in the community for ten years and believed they had been good neighbors and had not caused problems for the community. Keystone alternative school is interested in moving to Ozawkie. There had been some reports that the school had created problems. Jennifer made a motion to send a letter stating Keystone had been a good neighbor and there had been no problems. Mark seconded the motion. The vote passed 4 yeas, Council Member Mallonee voted nay.
The newsletter was approved adding the following information: Lecompton Township board members, meeting time and location; cemetery board members.
The city clerk is to check with the state to see if we can apply for stimulus money if we still have one grant open.
Elsie Middleton was present to request a building permit for a room addition and remodeling work. After discussion, Christy made a motion to approve the building permit. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Elsie thought the letter for Keystone was a good idea.
The city clerk is to see how long the BNSF permit/contract would be effective.
Denzil Hackathorn wanted to know how often the water lines will be flushed. Jimmy said we are waiting for the plant and tower to be completed before flushing the lines. The city is rated 7 for insurance purposes. Tim said residents can get alarms in their homes that will call dispatch.
A letter of recommendation for Midland is tabled until insulation issue is solved.
Census representative may have a key to the CB daily as needed.
It was noted a ream of paper had been received from the township.
City will continue with health insurance at this time.
An update of acct 5 was given.
Denzil wanted to know what was wrong with the red lights on the water tower. The council did not believe light were ever on the current tower. Denzil wanted to know what was being done with the old tower. Council stated demolition was part of the contract that was bid out. Denzil said someone would have taken it down for nothing. There was discussion regarding the fuel tanks at the old township building. The township will be moving them when the weather is dry enough to build a pad to put them on. What is going to be done about the drainage from the township property onto the Sanford property? Jennifer stated that was a problem between property owners. Denzil stated when his mother owned the property on Clark Street the city was to have put in a lift station. Jennifer asked how many years ago was that? Mr. Hackathorn stated it was several years ago and there had been papers regarding this. He would try to locate the papers. It was stated the agreement was with a different council. Mr. Hackthorn was asked to bring the papers in when he located them.
9:15 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Sandy Nichols, City Clerk