7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Mark Tunstall, Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Christie Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Treasurer Tabetha Mallonee; residents Elsie Middleton, Donna Benton, Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bahnmaier; Paul Bahnmaier; students Shelby Politte, Johnny Stewart, and Nathan Brown.
Swearing in of re-elected council members Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee and Jennifer Smith
Jennifer Smith made a motion to approve the April 19, 2010 minutes. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills before them holding Phoenix payment until funds are deposited and CDBG paperwork is complete. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Donna Benton was present to represent the Chapel at Lecompton. They request an extension of a building permit with expiration date of 01/06/2010. The council approved an extension to October 3, 2010 stating no additional extensions would be granted.
There was discussion regarding the painting of the tower: writing color, size, location.
Resolution amendment of #268 was presented noting the change of June 7th to June 21st. Jennifer made a motion to approve amended Resolution #268. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Mayor Paslay stated Denzil Hackathorn requested an adjustment to his water bill do to having to run water until it cleared. No adjustments have been made in the past to other residents for this reason. No adjustment will be made on Mr. Hackathorn’s water billing.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bahnmaier are now present: Carl Bahnmaier was present to discuss the property clean up located at 315 Elmore. Mr. Bahnmaier had received a bid from young Ivan Frye for clean up of the property. Mayor Paslay had asked Terry Breason to present a bid to the Lecompton City Office. The council would prefer Mr. Bahnmaier continue to work toward clean up of the property and request the bid from Mr. Breason be given to Mr. Bahnmaier. Mr. Bahnmaier asked when the clean up had to be started. A portion of a letter sent to Mr. Bahnmaier by the city attorney stating “if fail to raze the property by May 17, 2010, the council will have no choice but to use the funds received to remove the structure”. Mr. Bahnmaier wanted to know what would happen if there were not enough funds available. It was stated the cost would be added to the tax roll of the property owner. The bid Mr. Bahnmaier received had a $6500 variance depending on how fast the work had to be completed. The difference in cost is do to the equipment needed. The council asked how long it would take too complete, they would like to see it done by Territorial Day. Mr. Bahnmaier said he planned to be done by June 1. The council approved of these plans provided work has started by May 17th. If the clean up has not started by May 17th the council will put the clean up out for bids.
Mayor Paslay reported the window was broken out of his truck and an aluminum bat found in the street by the sheriff. There was discussion regarding ATVs running legally on city streets. State Statue 8-15, 100 was presented stating “Operation of all-terrain vehicles (b) it shall be unlawful for any person to operate an all-terrain vehicle (1) on any interstate highway, federal highway or state highway; or (2) within the corporate limits of any city unless authorized by such city. It was stated an ordinance would need to be passed if the council wanted to permit ATVs to run on city streets. Mayor Paslay stated he suggested the sheriff’s department contact the city attorney. Do we have a noise ordinance?
Light: a resident had requested a light on Elmore Street between 2nd and 3rd Street. The council would like for the city superintendent to get an estimated cost from Westar.
Roller: A roller was purchased for $1500. It is currently getting some repairs.
Denzil: Denzil will be doing some burning on the property at 240 Clark.
Trailer: getting bids for a trailer to haul roller, skid loader
Street work: Birney has not returned an estimate for Whitfield; rented mini excavator to work on ditches and tubes
Fuel: next fuel bill will be high do to filling fuel tank for mowers
Old meters: brass from old meters is worth $2.00 per pound clean; 50 – 60 meters on hand now with an additional 40 to be on hand soon. When all meters are in the council recommends putting them up for bid.
Gate to tower: Mark will meet with Justin on a recommended location. Agreement should also be checked.
Jim Long will attend the June 21 meeting to discuss the 2011 budget.
If necessary a special meeting may be called regarding the BNSF permit agreement.
Renew CD as is
City clerk:
is to send a letter to Belinda Janes requesting her attendance at the May 17th meeting
is to send a thank you and keep up the good work to Dennis Hatcher for work on property
There was discussion regarding the property located at 645 E 2nd. City Clerk is to check with the city attorney as to how to proceed.
Mark will be removing the large rocks located at his property.
Tabetha Mallonee: there are ruts in the alley in the area they had done some digging for sewer line replacement on the property. Justin said he will be having some more dirt available and will put some there.
8:04 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Mark and Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk