Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, June 14, 2010
7:00 PM
The Meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Jeff Robertson at 7:02 pm.
Roll Call: A quorum was present with Jeff Robertson. Mary Jane Hoffer, Elsie Middleton and Kathy Paslay. No Visitors
The Chairman welcomed Kathy Paslay as a new member of the Planning Commission representing the western portion of Lecompton Township.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Mary Jane Hoffer, seconded by Elsie Middleton, to approve the minutes of Special Meeting March 15, 2010 as read. Motion was approved with Kathy Paslay abstaining due to the meeting being held prior to her appointment.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions – None
Reports of Standing and Special Committees – None
Notices and Communications – None
Old Business – None
New Business
2010-2011 Budget – After discussion, it was determined that the Commission would not present a budget to the City Council. Unless there is a big change, the Commission needs will be a small amount of office supplies which are usually available from the City.
Evaluation of Members Attendance and Subsequent Action – The attendance sheet was reviewed. Member Paul Maline has missed 8 meetings in the past year, including 3 consecutive meetings. Upon motion by Mary Jane Hoffer, seconded by Elsie Middleton, the committee voted unanimously to remove Paul Maline, representing the City, from the Planning Commission due to lack of attendance.
The Commission further submitted the following residents to be contacted as possible replacements: Barbara Jernigan, Robert Jernigan, Brad Christman, Chrystal Christman, Bob Dark, Karen Sanford, Frances Sanford, Elaine Crain, Martha Martin, or Brenda Hastert.
There being no further business, Mary Jane Hoffer made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Kathy Paslay and unanimously approved.
Next Meeting: Monday, September 13, 2010 unless there is an issue requiring a special meeting.
Respectfully submitted
Elsie I. Middleton, Secretary