August 16, 2010


7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Christie Mallonee, Jennifer Smith and Mark Tunstall were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle and City Attorney Lee Hendricks; residents Elsie Middleton, Bill Roberts, Kevin and Belinda Janes, Denzil Hackathorn, Jack Oglesby, and Danny Sanford. Vickie Bahnmaier and Paul Bahnmaier were present. Charlene Marlow from Midland Contractors and Danny Coltrane from SKW were present.

Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the August 2, 2010 minutes with correction in the 2nd paragraph of the city minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays, Jennifer Smith abstained as she was not present for that meeting.

Jennifer made motion to accept the August 9, 2010 Special meeting for Street Improvement minutes with correction in the 4th paragraph. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Christy made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jennifer seconded the motion and the voted passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Mayor Paslay appointed Brenda Hastert to the Planning Commission. Jimmy made a motion to approve the mayor’s appointment. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.

A contract for a Street grant writer was present from Governmental Assistance Service. Jack Oglesby mentioned brown water discharged from the hydrant during flushing. Denzil stated he requested Justin to come back a second time and flush at his location. City Attorney recommended putting the question to vote and then proceed with the agenda. Jennifer made a motion to approve and the mayor sign the contract with G.A.S. as grant writer for street improvements. Tim seconded the motion and the voted passed unanimously.

Water project update: Charlene: there are 4 new pumps; no charge to the city; softener is completed; insulation had some moisture around the window that was fixed by the building contractor; last Thursday when checked for moisture there was none; this afternoon there were 3 places with a small amount of moisture. Charlene will be back Wednesday to check again. Danny Coltrane: line at the river is completed; substantial completion for Banks is ready; some seeding is needed behind Kroeger’s. Danny climbed the tower and everything looks good – no rusting; demolition of the old tower is expected to take place the 1st week of September. Some red water may have been caused from chemical pumps being down, diaphragm issues. JCI warranty will replace. Demolition of the old tower is expected to take two or three days. There are still some electrical problems that Danny is working on. Charlene: There was a change order to move the RTU; there will be no charge to the city for the move. There is currently water in the pit. Danny presented two bids for new controls between RWD #3 and the city. The current controls will not automatically work with the new pressure. Jennifer recommended, council agreed, Danny get bid from Pedrotti with same information SKW bid on. Mark made a motion if the bid was over $3,998 to go with SKW. Justin could order from low bidder. Christy seconded the motion and the vote 4 yeas, 1nay. Denzil asked about the warranty on the welding of the new tower. The warranty is for 12 months required by Rural Development. The city attorney explained additional length of time on the warranty would cost more money and the council was trying to keep water rates as low as possible. This was one of the areas cut.

Change Order for Banks was presented. Jennifer made a motion to approve the change order. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Pay request #5 from Phoenix Fabricators for $3,211.95 was presented. Christy made a motion to approve the pay request. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Danny has substantial completion forms for Banks. SKW has inspected; KDHE approved the plan and has been out several times. Pipe under RR has been approved by KDHE, vacuum tested. There was discussion to hold ½ of the seeding cost until completion. Christy made a motion to approve the pay request holding $1750 until seeding, mulching were completed. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously. Danny said paper work can be changed to meet this motion and initialed.

Final grading has been completed at the tower. Payment bond can be used if all work is not completed.
Jennifer made a motion to approve substantial completion for Banks. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The City Attorney asked for the floor to make a comment: He thanked Charlene for the work that she has been doing before and after substantial completion approval. She has been good about returning when needed. Phoenix final should be in October.

Jimmy thanked Charlene for the good work and caring she has done for the City of Lecompton. Jimmy told Danny Coltrane. It is nice to have someone that cares and is helping. Charlene also thanks Danny for help he has given her.

It was asked how often water lines should be flushed. Danny recommended watching the water quality. Justin reported all lines had been flushed today until water ran clear. He will flush lines again Tuesday. Danny said KDHE recommends flushing lines annually.

Fire Report: There were 7 agencies assisting the Lecompton Fire/EMS during the Wood “N” Stuff fire. There were 65 personnel, 7 pumpers, 8 tenders, 2 brush/medic units, 2 medic units and 1 ladder truck. The secretary for Wood “N” Stuff called to let the city know that as soon as the insurance company would let them, they would start clean up.

Paul Bahnmaier shared number of buses that had toured the city this year: 9 motor, 22 travel, and 42 schools. Paul had been asked at a previous meeting and did not have the numbers at that time. Paul also applauded this council and the previous council for undertaking the water projects. Without the new tower it is likely the church, post office, Elsie’s home and more could have been lost during the July 26th fire. There has been an issue with discolored water in Lecompton since the 50’s. Although he is not a resident of Lecompton he works with the Historical Society and church and appreciates the council’s efforts very much. Mr. Bahnmaier also praised the fire department for their hard work during the fire.

Danny Sanford addressed the City Attorney to share information regarding the dates he lived in Lecompton. Jimmy asked Mr. Sanford to address the council.

It was stated that rates had not been raised for several years before starting of the water projects. Mark stated he hoped water rates would not have to raise. If they had to be raised it would a small amount. Kevin Janes state he felt people still have water issues and higher rates and they probably overlap. Mark would like more people to attend meetings. There are more people attending the meetings now than in the past year. Jack Oglesby agreed that rates should have been raised more over the past years. There was discussion regarding articles in the paper. A council member noted there were no penalties on either project; nothing was mentioned regarding warranty or extensions granted Lecompton does not have the highest water rates; the tower project is not behind the building time line. Elsie mentioned some of the overage cost was do to changing the size of the tower and this information was not in the articles. Jimmy stated the goal is to make the city presentable. Kevin asked if the cost do to lightning will continue to be a problem. Is there a fix? Justin stated it possibly could continue to be a problem. Justin explained what had been struck by lightning and what preventive measures were had been in place.

Bill reported his vehicles are all tagged and insured.
Kevin Janes reported the motorcycle was gone; the bag of clothes was gone.

Lee discussed the Mobile Lodge Community buy out by the residents with the council. The board representing those buying the MLC would like a letter of compliance. The council requested Lee to send a letter.

There was discussion regarding salt softener use. The salt is delivered in a like tanker hopper and is blown in. The council would like something put in the fall newsletter regarding the use of softener salt in the system now.
A form for pressure increase request was reviewed. Lee will tweak and send a new form. Christy made a motion to approve this. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Jennifer reported she purchased an expansion tank for $32.00.

Denzil reported he had been told anytime on property posted “No Trespassing”, nobody can go in without permission. Lee mentioned the City Enforcement Office has the right. Denzil said he was just sharing what he had been told.

Justin reported there was a concrete/asbestos 4” line approximately 1000’ on Clark Street.
Bernie with Sunflower has not sent a bid at this time.
Tim asked about the Hurd billing. Justin explained two lines had been run; one for the gym and one for the service center. Tim wanted to know if the city supplied the pipe. Justin explained that he did not have the correct size of line for this project and Mr. Hurd did. The street had to be bored under to do this project. Roy stated another line also had to be run for the greenhouse and ball association. Jimmy suggested the city consider bidding the contractor doing these repairs annually.
Mark asked about the waterline at his location, size and path it traveled to get to his house.
A letter of credit is not to be given to residents.
Jimmy wanted the update of the web site to be a priority. Maybe residents feeling left out would feel less left out.
Jimmy will not be at the September 7, 2010 meeting.

9:20 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk