Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, September 13, 2010
7:00 PM
The Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson, Mary Jane Hoffer at 7:08 pm.
Roll Call: A quorum was present with Mary Jane Hoffer, Elsie Middleton, Betty Corel, Kathy Paslay, Leigh Ann Woody, and newly appointed member Brenda Hastert. Jeff Robertson was absent. Visitor: Sandy Nichols, City Clerk
The Vice Chairman welcomed Brenda Hastert as a new member of the Planning Commission representing the City of Lecompton.
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Betty Corel to approved the minutes of the June, 2010 meeting with the correction in the 4th paragraph to change the word “help” to “held”. Motion was seconded and approved with Betty Corel and Brenda Hastert abstaining.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions – None
Reports of Standing and Special Committees – None
Notices and Communications
• A letter from Paul Werner Architect advising that a replat of Rockwall Farms Addition has been filed and requesting a meeting with the Lecompton Planning Commission in October was received. The commission selected two dates, October 11 and October 25 at 7:00 p.m. as possible dates. The City Clerk will advise the Douglas County Planning Commission and then email the selected date to the Lecompton Planning Commission members. City Clerk will also post appropriate public notices.
Old Business – None
New Business
Due to the removal of Paul Maline from the Planning Commission, an opening for the city representative was created on the Lecompton BZA. The Vice Chairman asked for volunteers and Elsie Middleton responded. Motion Betty Corel to appoint Elsie Middleton to the BZA, seconded by Leigh Ann Woody and approved 5 to 0 with Elsie Middleton abstaining.
The commission noted several properties within the city on which there was awareness of potential zoning issues in the near future.
• Coffman Property, 2nd Street – listed for sale – possible request for lot split
• Wood ‘N Stuff, Woodson Ave., – fire ruins clean up, reversion to R-1, lot width & depth restrictions upon any rebuilding
• Brouhard Property, 7th Street – For Sale by Owner – mobile home regulations will apply and possible septic tank issues
• Reba Folks, Whitfield Street, listed for sale, mobile home regulations apply
As there was no official request from any of the property holders, the Vice-Chairman asked the members to study these issues on their own in order to be informed should such a request be forthcoming.
As the Commission has several relatively new members, the City Clerk reviewed actions among the commission which could result in a violation of Open Meeting Laws. Four members is a quorum of the seven member commission. Three members is a quorum of the 4-member quorum. Therefore, any discussion, email, etc. between more than 2 members outside a public meeting would result in a violation.
There being no further business, motion to adjourn was made; seconded, and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned.
Next Special Meeting: Monday, October 11 or October 25, 2010 re Rockwall Farm Revision
Next Regular Meeting: Monday, December 13, 2010 unless an issue requires a special meeting.
Respectfully submitted
Elsie I. Middleton, Secretary