October 4, 2010 City Council Minutes


6:45 P.M. Mayor Roy Paslay brought the Public Hearing for a CDGB Street Improvement Grant Application to order.
Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Christie Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were present. Council Member Mark Tunstall was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols and City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle; Donna Crawford, Grant Writer; residents Elsie Middleton, Denzil Hackathorn, Michial Coffman; Bruce Sergeant; students Chris Wood, Bella Schaffer.

Donna Crawford explained the Street Grant Improvements would be for Whitfield from 7th Street to Woodson Avenue. The work would involve sub grade, etc. The grant would require operation and maintenance funds of $9500 per year. The city would pay 25% of the project cost. Donna will prepare necessary paperwork to be approved for the October 18, 2010 meeting. After questions and discussion were concluded Mayor Paslay closed the Public Hearing at 7:02 P.M.


7:03 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Donna Crawford left, other attendees remained.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the Sept 20, 2010 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the voted passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Georgia Wingfield was not present.

Michial Coffman was present to discuss a $234.33 utility bill plus a $30.00 service fee the renters had left. The city clerk reported prior to the knowledge the renters had moved, $303.64 had been sent to the county clerk to be placed on the tax roll. This information had to be presented by August 25 to be on the tax roll. The King’s $100 deposit plus interest was deducted from the bill when Mr. Coffman’s notified the office that the King’s were moving. The $234.33 will be collected from the tax rolls. The remainder of the money will be refunded to Mr. Coffman. After discussion, Jimmy made a motion to waive the $30 service fee and permit Mr. Coffman to have water turned on after he pays the $100 deposit fee. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

South Elmore ditch; after discussion the council requested Justin to take the bobcat and smooth out the ditch in front of the Evilsizor property so it can be mowed. Tim will look at the ditch to the north of Evilsizor’s property to be discussed at the Oct. 18 meeting.

Fergus property: Mark Tunstall was unable to attend the meeting. Mark called the city clerk stating he had spoken with Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Fergus. Mr. & Mrs. Fergus had been discussing what to do with the property. At this time Mr. Tunstall does not believe there is a safety issue with the house. There was discussion regarding animals going in and out of the building and the possibility that someone could enter the building and get hurt. After discussion the council requested the city clerk to send a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Fergus requesting the house be boarded up so animals, children and adults could not get in. The council would like to revisit this subject in the spring of 2011.

Brouhard property: pictures that had been taken Friday October 1, 2010 of the property were shared with the council. It was reported insulation is loose and additional tin has been removed since the pictures were taken. Michael Brouhard was present and stated there had been a condemnation sign posted on the trailer. It was noted there was not a current location in the city files of whom to contact regarding the property. Mr. Brouhard stated his sister was living in North Carolina but he did not give an address. The council requested the city clerk to see what information she could find regarding the condemnation. Jimmy made a motion to have the city attorney start the process to have the property cleaned up, including out buildings. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Wood “N” Stuff: There was discussion regarding the clean up after the structural fire. Jimmy said he spoke with Jeff Morris when Jeff was working on the clean up. Some members were not sure that the clean up included what was asked; Concern was expressed by Mr. Sergeant there were still nails, etc in the alley. He believes the alley should be cleaned of debris to be sure it doesn’t work it way up through new rock put down in the alley. Mr. Sergeant also expressed he did not believe the concrete remaining could be used for anything. Elsie is concerned there will be drainage from rains into the alley and possibly into the post office from where the two door openings are in the concrete remaining; tabled until the Oct. 18 meeting. Tim will look at the property.

Jennifer reported dogs by the Trailer Park, a chocolate lab and a Korgie, have been loose frequently; chain link fence has holes in it; buried electric fence may not be working. No action was taken.

Mayor Paslay stated he would be attending a meeting Tuesday AM October 5, 2010 to meet with developers regarding the Rockwall Farms.

Justin: There was discussion regarding work done on Whitfield. No complaints had been expressed. Several areas of asphalt work and patching had been completed. Back flushing at the water plant will be increased from 2 times per week to 3 times per week. Some equipment is still being adjusted do to new supplier for chemicals. Tower controls have arrived; there may be a clay valve in the Rural Water shed that needs some work; next week the unit may be moved from the old tower to the new tower; if possible, the old tower will be removed in about two weeks.

There had been one report regarding water quality. The water was clear but without their own softener there was a film on the coffee.

Carr residence: It was report the meter broke and the utility water usage was estimated for the Oct. 1 billing. The past six September usages were average to estimate the October 1 billing. Mrs. Carr did not think this was correct. After studying the last six months readings and comparing with the amount that was estimated, the council believe the billing was okay. The clerk is to send a letter stating the remainder of their bill needs to be paid or they may attend a council meeting.

Use of the meeting room is approved for Saturday October 30 voting.

City clerk is approved to attend a NIMS training in Lawrence October 6, 2010.

The October 11, 2010 Planning Commission to meet with the Werner Architects was noted.

It was reported two robberies had taken place in Lecompton. Concern someone might be living in a camper located at 425 Elmore was expressed. It was noted Chaney property on Boone Street has not been mowed. The council would like Lee to send a letter to Mr. Chaney. The camper is to be discussed at the next council meeting.

8:21 P.M. Jennifer made a motion to adjourn. Christy seconded the motion. Mr. Hackathorn stated he had heard members of the council had concerns about a big tank on property he owned on Clark Street. None of the council members had any knowledge of a tank on the Clark Street property. The council and the voted 4 yeas, 0 nays to adjourn

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk