October 18, 2010 City Council Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Christie Mallonee, and Mark Tunstall were present. Council Member Jennifer Smith was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle and City Attorney Lee Hendricks; residents Elsie Middleton, Denzil Hackathorn and Mike Brouhard; Paul Bahnmaier

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the October 4, 2010 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the bills before them. Mark Tunstall seconded the motion and the voted passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
A council member asked if there was any information on the roller repair. There is no information to share regarding the roller repair at this time.

A motion was made for Governmental Assistance Service to be the grant writer for the street grant application. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays. Jimmy made a motion for BG Consultants to be the engineering firm for the street grant. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
After discussion and review, Christy made a motion to approve Resolution 270 Certifying legal authority to apply for CDBG grant. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays. After discussion and review, Christy made a motion to approve Resolution 271 Assuring KDOC funds will be continually provided for operation/maintenance of street improvements regarding the grant. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Planning Commission – It was noted the PC had appointed Brenda Hastert to the BZA board. It was also noted Paul Maline had not returned his PC books. It was suggested to ask Council Member Smith to visit with Mr. Maline regarding the PC books.

Fire Department: It was noted the Lecompton Volunteer Department is working with Lawrence Fire Department for mutual aid.

City Attorney, Lee Hendricks, shared information regarding resolution 272 involving property at 335 E 7th. After discussion Tim made a motion to approve resolution 272. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

After review and recommendation from the city attorney, Charter Ordinance #4 regarding exempting the city from the provisions of K.S.A. 66-1801, Tim made a motion to approve Charter Ordinance #4. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.

The council recommends leaving the KS Gas Service franchise as it is; residential 5%; transport (industrial) 1%.

Paul Bahnmaier: Mr. Bahnmaier wanted to let the council know plans are being made for a veteran’s memorial to be placed near the flag at Constitution Hall with approval of the state Legislature. If this is not approved maybe it could be placed on city property. Mr. Bahnmaier also reminded the council there would be a meeting Wed evening regarding $350,000 funding for green space and preservation of areas in Douglas County. It was noted there was fungus on the stones of the Community Building. The meeting will be at 7 PM at the city office. Other items in the Lecompton community of interest for funding: Big Springs School, gutter on Woodson Ave from Elmore to Isacks, Winter and Green Valley schools. Mr. Bahnmaier also noted the property north of Constitution Hall would be put back to green space. There is to be a 10 x 12 foot building to house mowers that will be located at least six feet away from the north boundary.

Mark reported he had talked with Mr. & Mrs. Fergus. They will repair two spots in the roof.
Mark would like to attach a 2” water line to the 8” line to create a loop in the water lines in his area. He is still having red water. Justin is to get an estimate. Justin reported there is a new chemical supplier and he is still making adjustments. This is a more economical product and takes less of the product to met specifications. Denzil reported having red water and would like to have his line flushed again. Justin will get it tomorrow.

Lee informed the council he sent a letter to the owner of property at 418 giving him until Oct. 24, 2010 to abate the situation or the council could move to abate the issue.
Lee presented information regarding zoning compliance of Whitfield Acres. After review and changes, Mr. Hendricks will send a letter.

Wood “N” Stuff: the city clerk is to send a letter to Mr. Powell stating nails & charred debris are still in the alley. Also there is still a drainage issue: water is pooling and running toward the post office and Ms. Middleton’s property.
Justin: council approves selling old meters for $3.50 each.
Justin reported the dump truck hood is broke and needs to be replaced. The replacement hood will need to be painted.
KDOL representative inspected all city buildings; fire extinguishers were ordered; other small items will need to be considered when report arrives.
Road grader: diesel is going into the oil. Estimated repair is $3,000 – $4,000; used graders on the internet for $8,000. Denzil would like to get an estimate for the city, council approved.
Sander – getting it ready for winter; gear box needs replaced.
Midland Contractors were voted Woman-Owned Business of the Year by Kansas Department of Commerce.
Newspaper: under Holiday Decorating add: “ Call the office you want to help decorate”. If Westar has time, the council would like to have the pole decorations; Holiday decorating contest: call by the 9th, judging by the 18th. Jimmy has offered again to find someone from out of town to judge the decorations. There possibly will be an update from the Volunteer Fire Chief and the council is fine with that.

Michael Brouhard expressed concern if the street grant is approved that Whitfield Street would be torn up during school when buses are traveling the streets. The council stated they would take this into consideration.

Mr. Hackathorn asked the city attorney if it was legal to tape recorded the meetings, could he (Denzil) tape the meetings. Mr. Hendricks recommends not.

Elsie Middleton noted the Lecompton Planning Commission would have a joint meeting with the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission and the Douglas County Commission Oct 25 regarding Berry Plastic development on Farmer’s Turnpike.

Elmore Ditch: After discussion Mark said he would look at it, Christy said she would talk with Evilzisor’s. Denzil said he would take rocks to the ditch if requested.
Camper at Pfeffer’s: Roy stated Troy Pfeffer told him no one was living in the camper; Mark will check the property.

It was noted a public hearing is scheduled for December 6, 2010, if necessary.

8:31 P.M. Christy made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk