7:00 P.M. Mayor Paslay brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Jennifer Smith, and Mark Tunstall were present. Council Member Jimmy Wilkins arrived at 7:20 and Council Member Christy Mallonee was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle; residents Elsie Middleton, Denzil Hackathorn, Valerie Pfeffer, Myrtle Pfeffer and Troy Pfeffer; and Paul Bahnmaier
Mark Tunstall made a motion to approve the October 18, 2010 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
Mark made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the voted passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
Tim Marshall, Director of Keystone Learning Services, was present to share information with the council that Keystone is still talking with Jefferson West School District about use of their building in Ozawkie. The JDLA School is out growing the building here in Lecompton and Ozawkie would be more centrally located for the school districts involved. Mr. Marshall will keep the council informed.
Paul Bahnmaier was present to share information regarding a shed on property north of Constitution Hall. Mr. Bahnmaier also stated the sidewalk had been restored. Mayor Paslay commented that they had done a nice job on the sidewalk. The council stated a building permit would not be required do to the size of the building and use. Mark made a motion to waive the need of a building permit. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays. There was discussion regarding connection to the water meter to water without having something above ground. Justin stated he thought something could be worked out. Mr. Bahnmaier stated the Lecompton Planning Commission had done the city proud with their meeting with Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission. Mayor Paslay asked Mr. Bahnmaier to share some of the information that was discussed at the presentation regarding the $350,000 Douglas County has for preservation of green space and historical items. Mr. Bahnmaier noted algae are growing on the Community Building.
Jimmy Wilkins arrived: Myrtle Pfeffer stated she had been told that the city would be bulldozing her house down. Ms. Pfeffer stated an outhouse and shed had been taken down. A trailer had been brought in for Troy’s tools and a place to work on things. Mark stated the city had never discussed bulldozing down her home that the council was concerned someone might be living in the trailer. Ms. Pfeffer stated Joseph Falk is staying with her and trying to finish school. Sometimes there are more kids there than can stay in the house and someone might stay overnight in the trailer. Jimmy stated a scrap business cannot be out of a home. Jimmy stated items should not be stacked in the yard. Jennifer said she had no problems at this time if it will be kept neat so there are no complaints. Myrtle stated she gives Troy the right to speak on her behalf regarding the property.
David Powell left a drawing of a berm he plans to use to prevent water running east from the concrete pad. The water should run to the north when this is completed. Mr. Powell also stated nails and debris have been picked up in the alley.
It was noted burning had been taking place at the Brouhard property. The Volunteer Fire Chief has been monitoring any burning. Denzil said his calls to the people involved in the property had not been returned. It was noted the tin from the siding had been moved to Vickie Well’s location. The council would like a letter sent to Ms. Wells asking for the property to be cleaned up do to safety concerns or to come to the November 15th meeting.
Jennifer had not visited with Paul Maline about the Planning Commission books.
Justin said he had received an estimate around $1500 to connect the water line by Mark’s. Jimmy made a motion to proceed with the connection. Tim seconded the motion. Jennifer asked if there were any other places in town that could/should be connected. Justin said there were but it was not feasible to do costs. It might be possible to connect 5th Street and Jones. Justin would like to work toward connecting 5th Street and Jones. The vote passed 4 yeas, and Mark abstained. Justin reported the antennas had been moved from the old tower to the new tower. The controls are in.
USD 343 had automatic flush toilets that had stuck and created a usage of 90,000 gallons of water.
The four coats that have not been claimed may go to the church.
Place dehumidifier on a spring agenda.
Elsie mentioned that there had been information in past minutes when Bruce Liese was on the council regarding GPS work on the water lines. Justin explained that Bruce knew someone that would do this for the city. They never came forward. Denzil stated he had maps of the city water lines that he will bring to Justin.
Recycling from home should be added to the November 15 meeting. Also add discussion regarding enforcing office on property.
Tim – all should be treated equally.
What are the codes regarding recycling?
8:25 P.M. Jennifer made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk