December 13, 2010 PC Minutes

Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Mon day, December 13, 2010
7:00 pm

Chairman Jeff Robertson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. A quorum was present with members Kathy Paslay, Leigh Ann Woody, Betty Corel, Jeff Robertson and Elsie Middleton in attendance. Mary Jane Hoffer and Brenda Hastert were absent

Betty Corel made a motion, seconded by Kathy Paslay, to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting September 13, 2010. The motion was approved unanimously.

Kathy Paslay made the motion to approved the minutes of the Special Meeting in Lecompton regarding the Berry Plastics project along the Farmers Turnpike dated October 11, 2010 and two Special joint meetings of Lecompton and Lawrence/Douglas County Planning Commissions dated October 25th and November 15, 2010 as drafted by the Lawrence Commission. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

There were no Requests or Petitions

There were no Reports of Standing and Special Committees

Old Business – The Commission discussed the Horizon 2020 Comprehensive Plan in general, as well as Resolution No. 10-17 which created a new zoning district: Rural-Tourism Business District in the area generally along the Farmers Turnpike.

New Business
– The Michial Coffman property on Second Street, Balk 12 was discussed regarding possible lot splits for sale. The total property is 191 feet wide x 243 feet deep. The property was not studied in detail as there was no official request. It was noted that the codes do not allow property owners to share the use of a driveway therefore frontage may be an issue.

– The Commission reviewed an article, “What it Means to Act in a Quasi-Judicial Capacity from Legal Forum.

– Elsie Middleton advised that the two historic properties within the City of Lecompton have Protected Areas within 500 feet of the historic property lines. These properties are Constitution Hall, a State Historic Site and National Landmark, and Territorial Capital Museum (Lane University Bldg.), which is a National Register of Historic Places site. Regulations provide that any building permit issued within this boundary of either building should be referred to the Kansas State Historical Society before approval. It was noted that the historical society’s primary concern would be with exterior appearances. Roughly, the combined protected area for the two buildings is Whitfield on the West, the

Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Mon day, December 13, 2010

northern 3/4th of the 400 blocks on the South, Highway 1029 on the East, and the southern half of the 200 blocks on the North.

– Elsie Middleton shared that the City Commission has authorized her to proceed with an application to obtain State Historic Site Register status for the Community Building (old Radical United Brethren Church). If approved, this would have the effect of moving the southern boundary of the Protected Area almost to Fifth Street (old Fourth Street). Approval would also make the property eligible to apply for a rehabilitation grant which is the motivation for the city council’s action.

Upon motion by Leigh Ann Woody, seconded by Betty Corel, approved unanimously, the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted

Elsie Middleton, Secretary