Lecompton Planning and Zoning Commission
Monday, March 14, 2011
7:00 pm
Chairman Jeff Robertson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. A quorum was present with members Leigh Ann Woody, Jeff Robertson, Mary Jane Hoffer and Elsie Middleton in attendance. Betty Corel, Kathy Paslay and Brenda Hastert were absent
Leigh Ann Woody made a motion, seconded by Elsie Middleton, to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting December 13, 2010. The motion was approved with Mary Jane Hoffer abstaining due to her absence at the December meeting.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions – None
Proposed Lot Split – No one was present to speak about Maxine Dark property
Reports of Standing and Special Committees – None
Notices and Communications – None
Old Business
Elsie Middleton gave a short update on the project to obtain funding to rehabilitate the Community Building and listing on the State Historic Site Register
New Business – None
Adjourn – Upon motion by Mary Jane Hoffer, second by Leigh Ann Woody, and approved unanimously, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm
Respectfully submitted
Elsie I. Middleton