May 2, 2011 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, and Elsie Middleton were present. 7:01 Council Member Jennifer Smith was present. 7:10 Council Member Christy Mallonee was present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle; resident Amber Nickel.

Tim McNish made a motion to approve the April 18, 2011 Minutes. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion, and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the bills before them. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Jennifer Smith made a motion to approve Mayor Tunstall to approve and sign electrical building permits. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.

Elsie Middleton submitted her resignation from the Lecompton Planning Commission.

Mayor Tunstall made the following appointments:
City Superintendent: Justin Van Winkle City Clerk: Sandy Nichols
City Treasurer: Tabetha Mallonee City Accountant: Jim Long
City Attorney: Lee Hendricks Utility Hearing Officer: Jennifer Smith
Planning Commission Members:
Brenda Hastert, Jeff Robertson, Amber Nickel
Newspaper: Lawrence Journal World
City Banks First State Bank and Trust; Douglas County Bank
Street Dept: Tim McNish Sewer Dept: Jimmy Wilkins
Park and Recreation Dept: Jennifer Smith Sanitation Dept.: Elsie Middleton
Water Dept. Christy Mallonee Public Information Officer: Jennifer Smith
Community Building: Elsie Middleton
Jennifer Smith made a motion to approve Mayor Tunstall’s appointments. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

After review and discussion regarding the Water Conservation Plan the council recommended updating the plan with new information regarding new plant, numbers for gallons per person used, and water rates.

Council Members were requested to complete Substantial Interest forms to be returned to the Douglas County Clerk.

After review of the KS Dept of Wildlife and Parks agreement regarding the Rising Sun River Access, Jimmy made a motion to approve Mayor Tunstall to sign the new agreement if presented as the current agreement. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Jimmy made a motion to acquire insurance on the lift stations. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
KDHE wastewater inspection letter was shared. The letter stated appreciation for Justin Van Winkle’s time for the inspection. It was noted the wastewater color was good and there was no offensive odors, dikes were well mowed and all facilities well maintained. It was noted the brine from the softener may have a positive influence at the lagoon. It was noted two aerators were not functioning at this time but are not needed at this time. The council requested the aerators be repaired and placed in storage until needed.
The council chooses not to place an ad in the PLHS program for the Class 4A Track Regional meet.
No action was taken regarding the re-codification. Notes from the clerk were reviewed.
It was reported there are two more meetings regarding the Emergency Response Recovery meetings. There are two days in May and two days in June.

Chip & Seal bid from Vance Brothers. After review the council requested Justin to check with Bettis Construction for a bid.
Lift station backflow: The lift station at Denzil Hackathorn’s has a backflow; the lift station at Kevin Quigley’s does not have a backflow.
Scott Campbell: The council requests Mr. Campbell to notify the city prior to coming out to get algae samples from the lagoons.
2001 F150 truck issues: a part to repair the truck will cost $4000. After discussion the council requested the truck be returned and all items that were put on the truck and can be removed to be removed and kept for future use.
Property around wells: consider setting money aside for future use to purchase property if necessary.
Remote read meters: council suggested continue checking on cost
Water plant update: Chemical feed supply has been moved. Midland has tin and trim to do replacement
Water leak on 7th Street was noted.

Mark asked if other council members were interested in different chairs. There was no other interest.

There was one bid submitted to replace the roof on the RWD shed. Paslay Brother’s submitted a bid for $2830. After discussion Jimmy made a motion to accept the Paslay Brother’s bid of $2830 to replace the roof. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Elsie mentioned some Kansas Legislators would be in Lecompton May 20, 2011 at 8:30 A.M.

8:43 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Elsie seconded the motion and the motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk