7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, and Elsie Middleton were present. Council Members Christy Mallonee and Jennifer Smith were absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle; City Attorney Lee Hendricks; residents Lori Wilkins and Linda Ballard; guests Collin Bielser, Tim Marshall and Paul Bahnmaier.
Tim McNish made a motion to approve the May 16, 2011 Minutes. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays. Tim made a motion to approve the May 23, 2011 Special Meeting minutes. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle noted the hours for Travis Tunstall needed to be corrected to 6.75 hours worked. Jimmy made a motion to approve the bills before them with hours corrected for Travis. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
Dr. Tim Marshall Executive Director of Keystone Learning Services was present to share information regarding the transfer of the building to the city and answer any questions. Plans are to move May 13 and 14. Mr. Marshall is making a list of information the city will need, i.e. security system, insurance company, etc. There was discussion regarding a crack in the boiler casting. Mr. Marshall will check further on the status of the boiler. The storage sheds and greenhouse will be moved. They are hoped to be moved by July first but an extension may need to be requested. There was discussion regarding utility shut off dates. Mr. Marshall will stay in touch to keep the city informed of progress toward the transfer.
7:34 P.M. Tim made a motion to go into Executive Session in the meeting room for 3 minutes for attorney client privilege, reconvening in said room at 7:37. The Executive Session included City Council, Mayor, City Staff and Attorney. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays. 7:37 returned to regular meeting.
The City Attorney would like the name of the company currently working on the boiler.
The City Attorney also reported Mr. Chaney did not pick up a certified letter that had been mailed to him; Jane’s property is once again in need of clean up. He sent a letter; Roberts’s property has 3 vehicles with current tags and 3 vehicles with expired tags. There is also concern regarding the condition of the roof and the east side of the property is like a jungle.
Linda Ballard was concerned about a letter they had received regarding clean up. She stated they had been working towards clean up of the property since they moved in. With only two of them it is hard to get it all done quickly. The do have people that are trying to help clean. They have two trucks, two cars all currently tag. The council encouraged her to keep cleaning.
Collin Biesler, Management/Economic Analyst with the City of Eudora presented information regarding economic development for small communities. By late June Mr. Biesler would like to have a committee with representatives from Eudora, Lecompton and Baldwin. An application needs to be made from the committee by Aug 15, 2011. After discussion the council expressed interest in participating with the committee. Tentatively Mr. Bielser will try to have a meeting on a Thursday at 4. He will notify the city clerk.
Dirk Bowser was not present.
Paul Bahnmaier requested permission to bring vehicles across city property when working on the construction for the Veteran’s Memorial. He also requested permission to place tents on the city property Territorial Day. The council has concerns regarding ruts from equipment. The council will trust Paul’s judgment.
Jeff Morris was not present.
There were no public comments.
Mayor Tunstall appointed Wayne Riley to continue representing the city for the Douglas County Emergency Management meetings. Tim made a motion to accept Mayor Tunstall’s appointment. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
Justin reported the following: importance for the council to behind the city staff regarding information obtained for Emergency Recovery Plans; a resident on Clark Street is concerned about the use of AB3 placed over the hard service.; Tonka was down at no charge to the city to view the plant and programs; there was discussion regarding variable drives for the wells; council requested Justin to check for protection of equipment in this area for weather issues; $50 fuel for each mowing; Doug Porter will come to mow around guardrails where it was to steep for Justin to mow; alley at park will be sprayed; the blade sold for $37,500 that was being consider to purchase; there was a water break on Whitfield in the 300 block; rock has been put on Jones Street and Clark Street; chip/seal is planned for first week in July.
Charlene Marlow has planned to request final inspection for the water plant as there has been no recently moisture after rains.
It was noted the Rising Sun Agreement would no longer include item #7 of the old agreement. Jimmy made a motion for the Mayor to sign the agreement when it arrives. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
Wayne Riley received verification they have received grant money for the purchase of 100 weather radios. The council approved city hall as contact location for people wanting a weather monitor.
$3,578.58 insurance claim check for storm damage at the plant and tower has been received.
The council wants to maintain the exterior lights with Westar at 620 Woodson Ave when the building is returned to the city.
Dennis Jones: the council is not interested in painting city hall at this time.
Information from Mike Morse, KS Commercial development was reviewed, no action at this time.
Justin would like to check on a street light at the south end of Whitfield, council approved check further.
No Governing Body handbooks will be ordered.
CB humidity – staff is to turn on the air conditioner in the sheriff’s office. If the current unit does not work, purchase a dehumidifier if necessary.
Council would approve putting information regarding a CPR class offered by the Fire Department on the sign.
Mark discussed clean up of the property with Troy Pfeffer where he is living.
Council would like the City Attorney’s input on the following properties before proceeding further: 339 Halderman (Jack, Allen), 530 E 7th (Wells), 425 Elmore (Pfeffer). Mark will check on property at 510 E 7th, (Smith).
Tim suggested placing an ad for a city clerk as the current city clerk would like to retire as some time.
9:30 P.M. Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote failed to pass. Jeff Morris arrived for a building permit approval. After discussion regarding location of the addition, set back and cost of $90,000 Jimmy made a motion to approve a room addition permit for Lura McAlexander at 529 Whitfield. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays. Mr. Morris did not have his building permit request with him. He is to bring the permit application and fees to the office Tuesday June 7.
9:45 Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 3 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk