June 20, 2011 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Elsie Middleton, Christy Mallonee and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle; City Attorney Lee Hendricks; resident Lori Wilkins; guest Paul Bahnmaier.

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the June 6, 2011 Minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 1 abstained vote.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. B&G Consultants check will be ready for the July 5 meeting.

Monthly financial report was presented.

Planning Commission report: Amber Nickel, secretary; Leigh Ann woody, BZA representative; Special Meeting July 11, 2011 7PM to tour the old high school building

Fire Department: Volunteer Fire Chief Wayne Riley is in the process of purchasing the weather monitors. Jennifer Smith would like to be added to the list for a weather monitor.

Paul Bahnmaier asked the Mayor and Council Members to make comments at 2 PM during Territorial Days. Mark stated he would be there.

Davin Electric – no action was taken at this time.

Deed(s) for Keystone property: City Attorney explained USD 343 deeded the property to the Lecompton Township and the City of Lecompton. When deeded in the past the Lecompton Township was left off the deeds. The city council would like to have a special meeting Monday June 27, 2011 to tour the old high school building.

339 Halderman – Elise made a motion for the city attorney to mail a letter to Allen Jack regarding code violations on his property, broken glass, siding, hot tub, lumber, etc. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

530 E 7th – Jimmy made a motion for the city attorney to mail a letter regarding code violation on the property, truck not legally tagged, and concerns about pile next to the creek falling into the creek, etc. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

425 Elmore – Jimmy made a motion for the city attorney to mail a letter regarding code violation on the property, concerns about oil and antifreeze in the ground, tires, broken glass. Mark had talked with Troy Pfeffer.

507 Boone – Jimmy made a motion for the city attorney to mail a letter regarding code violation on the property, concerns regarding someone possibly living in a camper, property not zoned for a business, trash and pool tables in the yard. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. It was noted that Ms. Ballard attended the June 6th meeting stating they had been trying to clean the yard with prior renter’s trash left on the property.

Bill Roberts contacted the city attorney to let him know the mowing will be done, he will be getting rid of vehicles, work on the shed, then the hole in the roof. He will continue to let the attorney know of his progress.
Jennifer asked about a letter that was in the minutes referring to the Janes property. The attorney said the time had not passed for this letter yet.

Fergus property will be revisited at the July 5th meeting.

Mark stated an application for the city clerk position had been received from Lynley Sanford. 8:06 Tim made a motion to go into executive session for five minutes to discuss non-elected personnel position. Mayor, council members and city attorney were requested to stay. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. 8:11 council came out of executive session; requested additional 5 minutes for executive session for non-elected personnel. 8:16 regular session resumed. Council would like to have city clerk position posted at the post office, sign park, church paper, Chapel at Lecompton and city hall.

Council Member Middleton stated she had heard a rumor the post office was on a list to be closed. There is concern the post office could be closed in the future. After discussion the council requested Council Member Middleton to compose a letter stating why the council believes this position should stay in Lecompton. The Mayor and Council Members will sign the letter Wednesday evening June, 22, 2011.
Elise also shared a newspaper article stating the township plans to sell the old township building on Woodson Ave. There are questions of the zoning if the property once it sells.
Paul Bahnmaier wanted to know if the city’s Lecompton Territorial Flag could be used during the dedication on Territorial Days. The council approved.

Justin shared a bid he had received from Todd Hurd to do work at the old water plant. The council would like to have bids from RD Johnson and Banks by noon Monday July 5th.
Justin reported there were still problems with the dump truck dieing. He will take it back for additional evaluation and repair.
Concerns of water usage at the Ball Association had been resolved with Christy Mallonee before the council meeting.
Council approved Roy Paslay parking his lift at the lagoons during Territorial Days.
Justin reported lime screen should be put over AB3 on Clark Street. Justin has made arrangements to borrow a dump truck from Wakarusa Township to complete rocking of Clark Street.

The council will stay with past decisions to not allow tables and chairs to be taken out of the Community Building. If the PLHS Soccer families would like to use the CB on Territorial Days for an ice cream social they may do so. They would be responsibly for any damage, cleanup and locking of the building.

After discussion, Elsie made a motion to keep Rueschhoff’s security at the old high school building and to get bids from Rueschhoff and Overfield for city buildings. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed with 4 yeas and 1 nay from Jennifer.

The City Clerk is to send a letter to a renter that has not requested utility service.

The council would like for Lower Heating & Air Conditioning to make an itemized list of what work needs and should be done to the boiler in the old high school building. Scott with Lower said he should be able to put a list together for $100 in hopes of getting the city’s business.

Jennifer stated the soda vendor will use water to circulate carbonation for soda drinks and is not expected to use a lot of water. It is recommended the staff read the meter before water is used for the soda drinks.
In regards to Elsie’s question on zoning of the township property: Lee believes if a government agency purchased the property the zoning would go with the property. He will check on this more regarding an individual purchasing the property.
Council will meet June 27, 7 PM to tour the old high school building.
9:18 Elsie made a motion to adjourn. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Sandy Nichols, City Clerk