September 06, 2011, 2011 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Elsie Middleton, Christy Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle; resident Lori Wilkins, guests CL Mauer with Land Planning and John Eichman with Midwest Concrete Materials; Don Fuston.

Elsie Middleton made a motion to approve the August 15, 2011 Budget Hearing minutes. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Jennifer Smith made a motion to approve the August 15, 2011 regular meeting minutes with two corrections; add Kansas State to Historical Society in the next to last paragraph on the first page; remove the 9:05 adjournment sentence. Elise seconded the motion with noted corrections. The vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Jennifer made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jimmy seconded the motion and the fore passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Jillian Rodrique with Douglas County Emergency Management request the council pass a proclamation declaring September as National Preparedness Month. After reviewing the proclamation, Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the proclamation declaring September as National Preparedness Month. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

CL Maurer with Land Planning and John Eichman with Midwest Concrete Materials were present to discuss plan for a sand plant north of the river in Jefferson County on the Lecompton Road. This is expected to be a 30 – 40 year project. It is anticipated 30% of the truck traffic will go north and 70% south. When sand dredging is completed there will be a pond there. The plant is planned to be 100’ north of the trees along the river and 100’ east of the Lecompton Road. The council expressed concern about tax dollars in Jefferson County and maintenance of roads and the bridge. The gentlemen will be talking with Douglas County also. The council thanked them for coming to the council meeting and sharing their information.

Don Fuston was present representing the Lecompton Methodist Church. The church plans to purchase the lot east of the church belonging to David Powell. The church would like to offer the city the parking lot south on Elmore for $35,000. It was noted if a parking lot was going to be made on the Powell property a special use permit would need to be requested. It was also noted there were drainage issues with the parking lot property on Elmore Street and the Powell property. Mr. Fuston said the Elmore property had been appraised at $39,000. However if the property were to be sold without a real estate company it could sell for $35,000. The church would like for the city to purchase the parking lot for a park. The council will think about this and make a decision at the October 3, 2011 meeting.

After review and discussion regarding a building permit request from Paslay Brothers Inc., Christy made a motion to approve the building permit. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

There was discussion regarding the brick sidewalk on the east side of the community building; problems regarding the trees were discussed; distance to repair; use of bricks not stamped concrete; retaining wall.

Discussion regarding vehicle repair location: try to have done in Douglas County; Chevy needs 2 tires and alignment; it is okay to have the work done with either ACE or Doug’s Automotive

Review two vouchers for possible handwritten checks; Jennifer made a motion to reimburse Travis Tunstall for $111.72 medical expenses do to poison ivy contact. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. Jennifer made a motion to return the tool boxes to Advanced Plumbing and not pay the voucher. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Helm utility lock; the water was requested to be shut off 07/27/2011. The meter did not shut off and additional water was used. Christy made a motion to charge the account for 2810 used from 07/20/2011 to 08/27/2011 and a $30.00 for the request to shut the water off. Jennifer seconded the motion and the motion passed 4 yeas, 1 nay.
Westar: CB needs anchor or stud to connect power on the outside of the building. Justin explained the current attachment had fallen down for the second time. Westar is now requiring a new attachment to prevent the line from coming down. After discussion Justin was told to find a way to make a new attachment to the building.
Signs on truck: The council approved signs to be made at Signdsign to place on the truck with the city phone number on the sign.
Lagoons: Justin reported the carports had been moved; pad is ready for concrete; Justin is to get bids from Stevens, McNish, Shawn Haley and Morgan Concrete. Justin report there would be no discount if ordering water softener salt by bulk orders.

Lee: sent a letter of notification regarding SCI working status.
Voice mail: the township barn’s grandfathered “light industrial” will go with the property if it is sold.
Linda Merchant reported there still appears to be a leak on East Seventh Street and she is concerned about the problems it might cause this winter. Justin contacted KDHE and was referred to KRWA. KRWA suggested shutting the water off at midnight and then listen for actions of the water.

Dorothy Hetzel requested a one time leak reduction for her account. After discussion Elsie made a motion to approve the request. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

LKM no one will be attending the conference to vote.
LKM special invite to 150th parade in Wichita. Jimmy took the information and will try to attend.
Westar increase of rates was noted.

Township has filed a resolution to return their interest in shop property and old high school building to the City of Lecompton.
Possible Code violations: Coffman property – Mark will check; Fergus property is okay; Carl Bahnmaier’s property on E 7th St is currently okay; David Powell’s property is currently okay; There is still concern about a trailer frame at Jeff Goodrick’s location; Ernest Smith’s will need to watched.

Jennifer checked on the need for certification when spraying. If the spray is able to be purchased without certification the city employees will not need certification.

Tim asked about the percentage of salaries coming out of funds.
Elsie stated she was apposed the city purchasing the church parking lot. Jimmy stated he did not believe the city had funds to purchase the lot at this time. Mayor Tunstall instructed the city clerk to notify the church that the city will not be purchasing the property.

After discussion regarding the Mayor’s plans to appoint a city clerk, the council decided not to have interviews.
Elsie requested an amendment to the approved minutes be added stating she was not in favor of not having interviews. A motion to approve the amendment was made by Christy and seconded by Tim. The vote passed unanimously.

9:12 PM Jennifer made a motion to adjourn. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk