September 19, 2011, 2011 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Council President Jennifer Smith brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Elsie Middleton, and Christy Mallonee, were present. Mayor Mark Tunstall was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle and City Attorney Lee Hendricks; resident Lori Wilkins, guests Jay Robertson and Denzil Hackathorn.

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the September 6, 2011 minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.

Jay Robertson, Lecompton Township Trustee, presented a Quit Claim Deed for the Township’s interest in the Keystone Property on Woodson Ave to Council President, Jennifer Smith for the City of Lecompton.

After review of a building permit application from Richard Nichols, Tim made a motion to approve the permit. Christy seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.

There was discussion about attaching electricity to the Community Building. Elsie expressed concern to keep the appearance as historical as possible for future grant applications. A pole would distract from the appearance. The wood that the electric is currently attached appears rotten. Justin noted Westar suggested an anchor bolt into the rock. Work towards anchoring the electrical to the rock is to move forward.

Christy suggested adding information to the fall newsletter stating fencing around pools. There was discussing if this is in the city codes or in the Planning Commission books. Lee will check on this.

Lee: Lee will contact Mr. Roberts to remove Bronco, removal/repair of the shed, and work toward roof repair.
Lee will continue to stay in touch with Mr. Herman Morris
Chaney property at SouthCrest: Because Mr. Chaney is not a resident of the City of Lecompton a resolution would need to be passed and published. Do to the time of the year and the cost the City Attorney recommended waiting until early in 2012 and start the process then. The resolution will be applicable for the year of 2012. The council agreed. The City Clerk is to send a letter to the person filing a complaint about the sumac letting them know the council’s intent.
A letter was sent to Kelley’s regarding a pit bull dog.
Lee shared correspondence to and from Keystone. The council wants additional information on the roof repair and state inspection of the boiler.
Mayor appointments: there was discussion regarding the process of the mayor making non-elective personal and the council approving. Lee recommended going into executive session for non-elective personal at the end of the meeting for additional discussion.

Justin shared a representative from KRWA had been down to check on the water coming up in the road on East 7th Street. The temperature of the water was tested and did not appear to be well water; there were no chemicals in the water that would have been city water regulated. It was believed the water from a spring. The recommendation was to put tile in the road and divert the water to the ditch. It was noted this could be a problem in the winter if not fixed. The council instructed Justin to move forward to get this done.
Justin noted Patrick Leming had complained about Halderman south of Woodson Ave. Some of the road had been peeled during snow removal. After discussion the council recommended if there are leftover materials from a street project to try and do repairs.

Two concrete bids for the work on the salt/sand area were presented. One bid was presented for brick work on the sidewalk at the Community Building was presented.
Concrete, Inc: Pick up and relay brick – $2425.00. There was discussion regarding the trees along this area and retaining wall.

Salt/Sand Storage Pad & Walls
Wall Pad Total
Concrete, Inc: $11,375.00 $8,400.00 $19,775.00
McNish Foundation: $5,400.00 $$5,046.00 $10,446.00

Blocks from Meyers: $50 – $55 each; 4,000 lb each; $75.00 each delivered;
$120/hr to set; estimated 10 hours to set; $1,250
Estimated 70 blocks @$75 each $5,250
Total $6,500
The council would like Justin to see what an asphalt pad would cost.

Sandy shared a letter mailed to Summer Skeet.
Basketball goal: because it is in concrete it is recommended Justin cut it off when the city has possession.
Complaint form: table until Oct. 3 meeting.
Email from the Mayor to Sandy and City Council was shared. The mayor thinks Ernie’s is okay at this time. The council is okay with that. No other action was taken.
Christy wanted to know what the gravel was going to be used for that is at the recycle area. Justin stated he wants to put it under the recycle bin when Shawn is changing out the dumpster.
Justin was asked about painting the boards at the shed. Painting this is on his list.
8:20 PM Jimmy made a motion to go into executive session for 5 minutes. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.
8:25 PM back to regular session. 8:27 PM Tim made a motion to return to executive session for 6 min. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.
8:33 PM returned to regular session
Elsie requested an amendment to the Sept 6, 2011 minutes stating she was not in favor to not hold interviews. Christy made a motion to amend the Sept 6, 2011 minutes adding Elsie was not in favor to not hold interviews. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.

8:35 PM Jimmy made a motion to adjourn. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously .

Sandy Nichols, City Clerk