October 17, 2011, 2011 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Elsie Middleton, Christy Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Attorney Lee Hendricks; residents Lori Wilkins, Gregg Sledd and four high school students.

Tim McNish made a motion to approve the October 3, 2011 minutes with addition to the last paragraph to include “motion seconded by Jimmy Wilkins for Jennifer’s motion to move forward with the walls and pad for the salt/sand area for $10,446 bid………. . Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion with noted correction. The vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the bills before them. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Public Comment: Greg Sledd stated concerns about his meter pit being out of the ground and past issues of freezing. Now that it is further out of the ground there is more concern about it freezing. There is also concern about the fire hydrant freezing. After discussion Justin will try to move and lower the meter pit. He will contact Gregg prior to work being done.

It was noted Mayor Tunstall approved a building permit for the concrete pad and walls the council approved to be built.

Lee: Keystone: Lee noted Keystone is to furnish documentation regarding the boiler and information the roof is to be repaired as it would have been for Keystone. Lee expects to get transfer papers after the Keystone Board meeting.
Bill Roberts: a letter was sent stating the shed is to be cleaned up by the end of October or the council will have to take additional action at the owner’s expense.
Kelley update: a letter regarding the pit bull was sent over a month ago with no response from the owners of the dog requesting removal of the dog or proof of insurance. If the dog is seen in the future the city attorney is to be notified.
Deposit owner/renter: after discussion it was decided to leave the process as it currently stands. The city clerk is to get information regarding the set off program with the state.
Defibrillator: at this time a defibrillator will not be purchased. First Aid Kits are to be at all locations including the water plant.

Justin: Roy Steffan’s shared driveway with a neighbor is now okay.
Earl Bahnmaier: Other than the dead end sign that is currently posted, the council does not believe they can put a “private driveway” sign on the county road that extends to Mr. Bahnmaier’s property. A letter is to be sent to Mr. Bahnmaier regarding the council’s decision.
Footings have been poured at the lagoons for the salt/sand storage area.
Milling starting about 2 PM Monday October 17, 2011 was discussed. Milling was not to start until Tuesday creating problems for buses, etc.
City’s computer: There was discussion regarding updating JUB software, switching to Quicken for A/P, P/R, and bank reconciliation. The clerk is to get costs for new computer and bundling of software. After discussion regarding backing up of the computer Elsie made a motion to purchase a USB hard drive backup. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas and 0 nays.
The city clerk is to check on cost of re-codification.
Newsletter: need to include December 5 council meeting to be held at the old high school building and information regarding fencing private swimming pools. Spring 2011 is to be changed to “Fall” 2011. Once changes have been made and approved by the mayor the newsletter maybe sent.
It was approved for the city office to be closed Friday December 23, Monday December 26 and Monday January 2, 2012. The council meeting will be held Tuesday January 3, 2011.

New business – SLT; after discussion Mayor Tunstall requested contact information for Josh Powers with KDOT. Mayor Tunstall will contact Mr. Powers for additional information and possibility of attending a council meeting to answer questions.
November 12 noon – 8 PM Fire Department chili feed. The city clerk is to check that the date is correct.

8:20 PM Elsie made a motion to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elective personnel. Jennifer seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays. The city attorney was asked to remain, all others present went outside.

Minutes taken by Sandy Nichols, City Clerk

Tim made a motion to return to executive session for 10 minutes. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

8:44 Jimmy made a motion to return to executive session for 15 minutes. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

9:03 Jimmy made a motion to return to executive session for 15 minutes. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

There was discussion about the city clerk’s pay rate. Mayor Tunstall appointed Lynley Sanford to the City Clerk position at $14.00/hour. Jennifer moved to approve Mayor Tunstall’s appointment. Jimmy seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

9:35 PM Elsie made a motion to adjourn. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.