7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Elsie Middleton, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle; residents Lori Wilkins and Sandy Nichols – please note Christy Mallonee did arrive for the meeting, but did so at 7:10 P.M., after the meeting had begun.
Lynley Sanford took Oath of City Clerk position.
Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the October 17, 2011 minutes. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion. The vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Mayor Mark L. Tunstall made a motion to approve the bills before them. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Nick Prather – Toshiba Copier presented: Nick Prather with Toshiba copiers spoke to City Council about buying out the City’s current Copier Service arrangement with DPI. In doing such a new Copier Service arrangement with Toshiba would be formed in which Toshiba would provide us a new multi-function copy machine. Our current cost with DPI is $77/month, Toshiba would be $79/month. The council Thanked Mr. Prather for coming in to present this option, at this time the Council asked for more time since the City’s current arrangement with DPI does not expire until April of 2012.
Shawn Ball – Presented to the council a $0.30 rate increase starting in 2012 (with February billing) for trash service. This increase is to cover increased fuel cost. Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the rate increase for waste/trash disposal, Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5yeas, 0 nays
Paul Bahnmaier – Paul requested a building permit approval, and waiver of fees affiliated with a building permit to relocate the old City Jail according to Rockhill plans. Paul presented as a representative of the Lecompton Historical Society. The Lecompton Historical Society is working to move the 1892 native stone City Jail from its current location to a site just north of Constitution Hall. Council suggested it would be advisable to check with the State of Kansas to ensure the new location being that close to a national historical landmark would be okay with the State. Elsie Middleton motioned to approve the relocation of old city jail according to Rockhill plans and to waive building permit fees contingent on approval from the State. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
Elsie Middleton – Elsie has spoken with Mr. Yoder with USD # 343. There has been some public interest to walk in the Lecompton Middle Gym through the winter months. Mr. Yoder feels this would be acceptable, so long as no basket ball is being played in there and just walking is occurring. Generally there is a rental fee, and the school district would be willing to waive that fee if this was something all members of the community could participate in. The City Council had additional questions about Liability responsibility clauses with the school in regards to personal injury, fire, water damage etc. The City Council decided to have more research done and to review the school district activity form before motioning for approval. Please add to next City Council meeting agenda
Resolution # 278 – SCI Franchise to Kansas Cable Holding, INC. – Christy Mallonee motioned Resolution # 278 be approved, Elsie Middleton seconded that motion, motion approved. 5 yeas, 0 nays
Ordinance #809, Trash rate increase – Although the Council approved the request for trash rate increase, approval of this ordinance would “activate” the new increase. Tim McNish motioned to approve the trash rate increase of $0.30, Jennifer Smith seconded that motion. Motion Vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Public Comment:
Martha Martin Citizen of Lecompton – asked if the new road work on Whitfield Street is considered completed? Justin Vanwinkle replied: it is not completed; the contractors are still working on clean up and debris removal.
Martha Martin Citizen of Lecompton – asked how the decision of what type of culvert tubes used for each resident was decided? Justin Vanwinkle replied: It was decided by what type of tube you had when the contractors removed the original tube. If you had a concrete tube before, your replacement was a concrete tube, if you had a metal tube, then you got a metal tube replacement.
Justin Vanwinkle – City Superintendent
– 436 Whitfield/Opal Goodrick’s home- she called in a complaint about the drainage tube. She is concerned about the amount of steepness of the driveway at the south end of the tube and there is a larger hump into the drive way (over the tube).
o Justin VanWinkle stated the drive way tube is 4-6’ larger then that it was.
– Gregg Sledd has concerns about his driveway on the Westside as well. Also Gregg is concerned about his water meter and the possibility of it freezing this winter.
– Lauren McAlexander – her residence at the end of 5th and Whitfield. Her driveway has a big hump now too, and the bottom of cars drag on it when backing out.
– Justin VanWinkle suggested having RD Johnson or the engineer come to the next council meeting to discuss the road conditions and to approach these complaints affiliated with the new Whitfield Street improvments.
– 7th street is starting to breakup – it is deteriorating immensely because of the heavy equipment traffic and school buses having to travel it because of the Whitfield improvements. What does the City Council suggest we do?
o Check with Donna Crawford and Check with the Project Engineer see if we can use these grant funds to fund repairs for 7th street.
o Look at priority order (road repair priority order) Was it presented as part of the grant? Clark street is looking like it is in good shape after chip n’seal
o Ask Donna Crawford for an extension on grant or ask how soon the grant has to be closed
– Insulation is coming down in the water treatment plant. Justin VanWinkle placed a call to the builders, and they are coming to check it out and fix/repair
– Justin Vanwinkle stated as a reminder that he has school Tuesday November 8th all day on Fire Hydrants.
– In regards to the Old High School Bldg. the alarm system is not set anymore. It goes off, but the alarm is not picked up by any company and no authorities are notified at this time. Council members would like to get bids on alarm systems from Rouschoff and Overfield (current company).
– In regards to the Old High School Bldg. although utilities are turned on, the heat is not set on – who would the Council be interested in having come out to check the boiler and the furnace and turn the heat on so the pipes will not freeze through the winter? Lower is who we have used in the past. The council suggested we do some research and take bids on the heating care of this building and put it on next meeting agenda. Also the return air vent has a tendency to extinguish the pilot light – who ever we have inspect it, could maybe fix this so it isn’t a problem.
– Pole Decorations – consider new decorations, cost, how many current decorations need repaired?
o Justin VanWinkle call KPL to put up decorations on poles
– Gary Kroeger has concerns about the wood shed to the west on Herman Morris property. City Clerk please send letter to Herman Morris to address this and get it cleaned up. Please include the removal of pile of brush/trash.
– Discussion was brought up again in regards to upgrading the computer software and systems. Make the switch from Peachtree accounting to Quickbooks. For JUBS Sandy Nichols did suggest purchasing the Support System for at least one year (at an additional cost)
– Jimmy Wilkins motioned for a cap on computer software/system upgrades up to $5000.00 pending Jennifer Smiths review of itemized bid from Daniel Henrickson for approval. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
– Lynley Sanford brought discussion about the Mobile Lodge Trailer Park currently owned by Ascentia, INC. The trailer park is in the process of being purchased by a gentleman by the name of Andrew Sullivan, upon a call from Andrew he stated interest in selling off a permanent residential home that is located on the North West portion of the trailer park. Questions that have arisen from Mr. Sullivan’s interest in selling this portion independently of the trailer park include: easement access (only way to the home is through the trailer park), responsibility of water/sewer line care (currently it is independent on the same system as the trailer park), zoning and lot splits allowance. It was decided that the city clerk will inform Lee Henderson of this information and it will be put on the next city council meeting agenda.
– Elsie Middleton mentioned the church is looking to sell their current South parking lot(current) and purchase the old wood n’ stuff lot that is vacant. It was suggested the City Clerk inform the City Planning Commission so they can put it on their next meeting agenda.
– City Clerk Lynley Sanford – waive 90 day waiting period for life ($2.60 for $10,000), health/dental insurance ($227.02). Jimmy Wilkins motioned to waive 90 day waiting period for insurance coverage. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion. Vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Old Business
– Bill Roberts – on hold until next City Council meeting
– Morris account – past due amount – pursue set off program
– Dec 5th City Council meeting will be held in the auditorium of the old high school. City Clerk please post sign at city office and in post office and possibly at the park. Citizen will be permitted to enter through the East doors that evening.
New Business
– City Clerk, job description review and sign. Jennifer Smith made the motion to approve City Clerk new job description the change in description being that it is a full time position not a part time position. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Vote passed 5yeas, 0 nays.
– Tim McNish requested that superintendent Justin VanWinkle and Mayor Mark L. Tunstall visit with Pete in Perry to see if he would be able to maintain our water treatment plant in the event Justin VanWinkle had a situation with health or injury that kept him down and unable to service/check our water treatment plant.
9:30 PM Jimmy Wilkins made the motion to adjourn. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.