7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Christy Mallonee Elsie Middleton, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin Van Winkle, City Attorney Lee Henricks; residents Lori Wilkins and Earl Bahnmaier, Lance Scott with Next-Tech, Brian Kingsley with BG Consultants, Inc, and William Gantz with USD#343.
Elsie Middleton made a motion to approve the November 7, 2011 minutes, with corrections to Paul Bahnmaier’s name and change JD Nichols contractor to RD Johnson. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. The vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to approve the bills before them. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Public Comment:
Earl Bahnmaier – commented he would like to have a private drive sign posted at the top of the hill where his drive way begins on Clark Street, hopefully to decrease the amount of turnaround traffic on his personal property. City property vs. Country Property is the issue – Review of the new city boundaries/plot map will occur, and the city will contact Earl when a decision has been reached.
Will Gantz & Lance Scott w/ NexTech – requested permission from City Council to put 2 antennas on the new Water Tower. Antennas are for point to point network high-speed connectivity for the USD#343 school district for the schools private network. There will be a contract with the city – NexTech is to forward contract to City Attorney Lee Hendricks for review. Discussion and comments occurred and the city is agreeable upon review on contract and acceptance of contract deeming the school district approves there terms/fees.
Brian Kingsley with BG Consultants, INC. – Presented preliminary Engineering Report for the Whitfield Project and the request for adding 7th street to this grant. Concerns regarding driveway at 436 Whitfield were discussed, at this time the council has chosen to not address trying to adjust the driveway. Concern with two water meter relocates at approximately 430 Whitfield, City council feels we should address this, but may be able to do “in house”. Relocate fire hydrant on Whitfield at Owen/Tabetha Mallonee residence. City is interested in adding this into the additional construction needs for the Whitfield project. Discussion about 7th street and the damage caused to it by heavy truck traffic while using it as a detour road way until Whitfield was completed. Two options were presented 1.) Chip Seal 2.) 2” asphalt overlay.
Jennifer Smith motioned for the Change Order 2” asphalt overlay and to move the fire hydrant on Whitfield at Owen/Tabetha Mallonee’s.
Christy Mallonee 2nd the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays 1 Nay
Further Discussion: Brian Kingsley will meet with Superintendent Justin VanWinkle to quantify and further define the 7th street project (if the street needs patchwork before the overlay etc..) to make the change order more accurate.
RD Johnson water bill for amount used during asphalt lying- Choose to bill or not to bill them for water consumption- Jennifer Smith motioned to waive water bill, billable to RD Johnson, Jimmy Wilkins 2nd the motion – vote passed 5 yay’s 0 nays
Brian Kingsley stated he will try to attend Dec 5th meeting in Old Lecompton High School. He will coordinate with Lynley Sanford when it is closer to that time.
Elsie Middleton – Subject of walking in the Lecompton Middle Gym. More correspondence with LES incurred, the school stated they would like to see it used during a specific time frame. City Attorney Lee Hendricks reviewed the Use/Release form and advised the Council to not proceed any further with this matter. So the city decided to not get involved and the subject was dropped.
Lee @ 1st meeting in Dec
Lee Hendricks:
– Resident question concerning enclosed structures like oversea’s containers or semi-truck trailers as storage units on their property – No that is not permitted
– Resident question concerning Wind Turbine – City would like to review blue prints and ask questions to the resident before building permit or building of such structure incurred
– SCI Franchise fees – update: with new regulations and wording in the agreements there is no place for cities to file a complaint or sue these entities. So with SCI’s final payment we believe they are paid current, and we hope that the new management is better about paying fees.
– ThyssenKrup elevator – City is not bound by the contract that was presented to Lee Hendricks for review – the city can choose to go with another elevator repair company if it so chooses. Jennifer Smith is going to ask a friend who is an elevator repair technician and see if he would be interested in checking and maintaining our elevator.
Lynley Sanford
– CCMFOA – renewal approved
– Notary Public – approved to proceed and write city voucher for payment
Justin Vanwinkle – City Superintendent
– Septic Tank at township barn – regarding the township is adding on to the building are there any regulations that say the building can only be within so many feet of the septic tank – City regulations follow Douglas County regulations – see Dg. Co. regulations
– Freak drives at Well Control Station are broken – replace with soft start system total cost approximately $1500.00 Jimmy Wilkins motioned to authorize repair to drives at well control station. Tim McNish 2nd vote passed 5 yays, 0 nays.
– Pole decorations – suggested not plugging in the lights because they don’t really show up anyway. Council suggested to swap out the color matching bulbs with clear ones to see if that improves visibility.
– Dick & Alta Walter – driveway tube – concrete – has a crack in and she does not want a metal replacement. Council advised to repair/patch the concrete tube using quick-crete and patching material and informing resident that the patch may only last for a minimal amount of time.
– Review quotes for security at old high school bldg. and water treatment plant – Jennifer Smith motioned that Overfield installs GSM at Old High school and Water Facility. Tim McNish 2nd motion – Vote passed 5 yays 0 nays
– Boiler – Jimmy Wilkins knows a guy that worked for P1 group and used to provide maintenance to the boiler in the old high school – would it be advisable to pay an individual on a contractual as needed basis if they are not independently insured or would it be better to go through a contractor who carries liability insurance? – Elsie Middleton motioned to investigate insurance bids for boiler maintenance and repair through a contractor vs. independent person. Tim McNish 2nd the motion vote passed 5yays 0nays
Old Business
– Bill Roberts – Shed is still standing – Lee Hendricks to send him a final date letter, that if the structure is not removed/torn down that the city will hire a contractor to remove it. Jimmy Wilkins motioned for approval of such letter to be sent, Christy Mallonee 2nd vote passed 5 yay 0 nays
New Business
10:00 PM Jimmy Wilkins made the motion to adjourn. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.