7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Elsie Middleton, Christy Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle; residents Lori Wilkins, Bill and Vicki Roberts, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Guillory, Roy Paslay, and Sandra Nichols
Jennifer Smith motioned to approve the January 17th, 2012 meeting minutes. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion pending one correction. Elsie Middleton asked that in the paragraph identified as Old High School Building that it be noted she was asked by Jennifer Smith and the Lecompton City Council to work on advertising and promoting the Old Lecompton High School building. Vote carried 5 yays 0 nays
Tim McNish made a motion to approve the bills before the Council. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Public Comment:
Roger Guillory –Roger presented his financial outlook for 2012 and where New Covenant Ministries plans on obtaining funds to maintain and operate the Old Lecompton High school building and an afterschool program. Discussion incurred about what activities and programs would be run out of the building. Some council members spoke up about concerns regarding substance abuse counseling being held on the premises. Roger stated that he would be running an afterschool program at the building, but the opportunity to run a private school, summer camp and youth ministries were other ideas for activities/programs that he would consider providing at the premises.
Further discussion incurred on what the City would like to do with the Old High School building. Council Woman Elsie Middleton is not ready to deed it over to Roger and New Covenant ministries; she has two appointments set up with a real estate agent and a contractor for the week of 2/6/12-2/12/12 and would like to know what they say about the building.
Councilman Jimmy Wilkins asked for clarification and to more concretely determine that the City of Lecompton is not interested in selling the building and they are not interested in leasing the building per the advice of the City Attorney Lee Hendricks. For future reference the City of Lecompton is interested in entering only into a relationship where the property would be deeded for use to a person/entity and when the person/entity has no use for the property in the future then it would come back into the ownership of the City of Lecompton.
It was asked what more can “we” or should “we” do about the building and generating interest in someone operating out of it. Council Woman Elsie Middleton stated she felt we should advertise it on the internet and follow through with a presentation that the previous City Clerk Sandy had put together.
Bill Roberts: Property Cleanup – The Lecompton City Council decided after discussion, that Mr. Bill Roberts had not satisfactorily met the property cleanup request at 405 E. Woodson. The shed structure in question was found to not be in an improved state from the last city council meeting. Councilman Jimmy Wilkins motioned to pass resolution no.279 Council Woman Christy Mallonee seconded the motion. Vote carried 5-yays 0-Nays.
Since the hazards described in the resolution have not been abated to the satisfaction of the City of Lecompton, the City by its agent is authorized to abate the condition causing the violation after 10days of signing the resolution on February 6, 2012. Be it further resolved: that the costs incurred by the City of Lecompton including attorney’s fees, shall be charged against the property.
Roger Bartels (Deck) – It was decided that City Resident Roger Bartels after removing a deck off of his home 6 months ago, he will need to obtain a building permit to rebuild a new deck.
Jimmy Wilkins- Viewed the interior condition of the community building, and found it in moderate disrepair. Jimmy requested that if it was in his ability, he would volunteer to perform plaster repair to the interior walls, repaint, and make upgrades to the restroom facilities if the City of Lecompton would pay for the equipment to do the upgrades. Jimmy also stated he would start in a small inconspicuous location and if the plaster work needed was out of his ability he would stop all processes of the repair work.
Jennifer Smith motioned to allow Jimmy Wilkins to volunteer his time and abilities to make repairs and upgrades to the community building with the City of Lecompton covering the cost of supplies and equipment. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Vote carried 5- yays 0- nays.
1. Jones St. (Washboard complaints) discussion on road work options
2. Old Water Plant – it was okayed that Justin can start scrapping it out
3. Pat work – discussion on patchwork for deep potholes
4. Chip and Seal – put on Feb 21st meeting agenda
5. Alleys – yes the council would like Justin to clean and work on ditches and yes to use millings as necessary
6. Bid for salt storage roof – one bid – would like to obtain 2 more bids before council decides who to go with.
7. Sewer upgrades – look at increasing sewer costs
8. Millings – residential use vs. City needs/use
9. Request to increase amount of earned sick time hours
10. Fire Hydrant – review / ordered/ installation
1. John Chaney – Boone St. new home construction – yes pay for all new permit fees – less the meter rights he purchased originally.
2. JUS billing cards – 12 mo. VS. 16 mo. Supply increased expense compared to previous card supplier – approved to purchase new cards at 16 mo. Supply.
Old Business –
– Interstate Elevator contract – signatures and approval moved to next council meeting on 2/21/12
Jennifer Smith motioned to increase earned sick time cap for full time employees to 1040 hrs. Tim McNish seconded the motion – vote carries 5-yays 0-nays
Jennifer Smith motioned to hire Sandra Nichols as a part-time as needed employee at the pay rate she left the City at in November of 2011. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Vote Carried 5-yays 0-nays
Justin VanWinkle informed the City Council that City Clerk Lynley Sanford has met the requirements of her 90 day probationary period and would like the council to review her status.
At 9:00pm Jennifer Smith motioned that the Lecompton City council move into executive session with just the council and the mayor until 9:15pm. Jimmy Wilkins seconded that motion. Vote carried 5-yays 0-nays.
At 9:15 when the council reconvened – after discussion of the City Clerk position currently held by Lynley Sanford, the Lecompton City Council stated that Lynley Sanford has satisfactorily graduated her 90 day probationary period and is considered a regular full time employee of the City. At this time the City Council has decided against granting Lynley Sanford a pay increase.
9:30 PM Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to adjourn to the next meeting on Monday 2/13/12. Jennifer Smith seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk