February 21, 2012, 2012 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Jimmy Wilkins, Tim McNish, Elsie Middleton, Christy Mallonee, and Jennifer Smith were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle; residents: Sandy Nichols, Bill Roberts, Vicki Bahnmaier, Nick Prather, Brenda Hastert, Carl Bahnmaier, Stephanie Ross, Jim Long.

Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the February 6th and February 13th continuance meeting minutes. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion pending one correction. Elsie Middleton asked that in the statement that was identified as being quoted by Sandy Jaqot, that it was actually Cindy Treaster who made the statement. Vote carried 5 yays 0 nays

Christy Mallonee made a motion to approve the bills before the Council. Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

The Council was presented and reviewed the January Financial Report

Public Comment:

Brain Kingsley – BG Consultants presented the budget and 7th street overlay improvement plan. Discussion about saving the City money by not having an engineer presents to oversee the job, and instead having Superintendent Justin VanWinkle monitor.
Jennifer Smith motioned to move forward with the change order with RD Johnson (contractor) for the amount of $54,150.00 Tim McNish seconded. Vote carried 5 yays – 0 Nays

Please further note – The Lecompton City Council gave approval to spend up to the grant dollars.

Brenda Hastert – Requested use of the Auditorium on 3/31/12 for a youth group dinner theater performance and additional permission to enter the building before the night of the performance to clean up and prepare the building and for rehearsals.
Christy Mallonee motioned to have Mayor Mark L. Tunstall make final approval decision to allow the youth group to use the building pending that the type of insurance coverage we currently maintain on the building will cover any liability injuries that may occur. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Vote carried 5 yays 0 nays.

Nick Prather – Toshiba Business Solutions presented a “new” used copier proposal at a cheaper rate than our current arrangement with DPI.
Jennifer Smith motioned to enter into a lease agreement with Toshiba business solutions for the proposal of $55/month. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yays 0 nays

Stephanie – Midwest Assistance Provider – Presented information on sewer upgrades, how she can help with the decision making process on what type of upgrades would fit us best, reviewed procedures, and the process of how she can assist the City at no charge.

Tim/Sandy – Ks. Cable Holdings – Cable contract that the city has permits free internet service to Fire, Police, Community Building, and City Affiliations. But the request has to come from the City. Lee Hendricks, City Attorney will give Lynley, City Clerk the correct contact information to call and request internet be provided at the Fire Station, Water Plant, and City Hall.

Jim Long – Budget and audit review of 2011 – talked about rate increases that may be necessary for water and sewer, because of the legal requirement to Levy tax to pay the debt.

Jimmy Wilkins motioned to go into executive session at 8:21 for 10 minutes, until 8:31 for attorney-client privileged. City Council, Mayor, and City Attorney are allowed to stay for the meeting.

Bill Roberts – Presented more information regarding the white building structures on his property at 405 Woodson Street. Bill Roberts stated that he has gone to the county level for advice, and they referred him to go to the state level and federal level to apply for grants and advice, and they are in the process of having the home and buildings on the grounds being put on the historic register.

In regards to the resolution # 279 approved/passed 2/06/2012 – Jimmy Wilkins motions to have the city staff contact a contractor to come in and look at the building/s with plans to remove the entire structure down to ground level. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion. Vote carries 5 yays, 0 nays.

Justin VanWinkle – Presented issues with the salt/sand spreader – motor is bad – at this time the council has decided to not proceed with purchasing a new salt/sand spreader or a new motor.

– Presented all bids for the roof of the salt/sand pit – council decided to wait until next council meeting to make a decision and to see if any other bids come in.

Lynley – An official dog complaint – proceed with Lee Hendricks sending a letter to the home/dog owner.

– Rate class on 3/7/11 (free) – Council instructs Lynley and J.V. to go to rate setting class. Jen Smith can attend if she would like to as well.
– Sandy Nichols is to cover on 3/7/11 – if it is possible in her schedule.
– Request approved for Lynley to attend the CCMFOA conference in Wichita on 3/13-3/15 Sandy Nichols is to cover if that is possible in her schedule.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned that the City will pay the registration fee, gas, food, hotel and all other expenses associated with the CCMFOA Conference in Wichita, KS. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays

Bill Roberts requested 3 additional copies of resolution # 279 and requested an update on what is happening with the old high-school building. An update was provided by Elsie Middleton

Elsie Middleton motioned to go into executive session for attorney/client privilege @ 9:15pm for 5 minutes to return at 9:20pm the City Council, Mayor, and City Attorney are allowed to stay.

Old/New Business:

Jimmy – Requested at the old H/S to seal up the hole on the old coal chute; cut off/pull out basketball goal. Also, would like to see if we can have the agenda posted on the city website by noon of the meeting date.

Update on CB: fixing cracks in the walls – when completed it will need painted. Plans beyond that include updated the bathroom and fixtures, increasing H2O pressure in kitchen, get hot water to the restroom.

9:30 PM Jennifer Smith made a motion to adjourn. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk