7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, Christy Mallonee, and Elsie Middleton, were present. Jennifer Smith was not positioned at her council seat at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle and City Attorney Lee Hendricks; community members: Victoria Bahnmaier, William Roberts, Brenda Hastert, May J., Nancy Ketter, Sandy Nichols, Calr & Mary K. Bahnmaier, Bob Jernigan, Jennifer Smith, Lori Wilkins, Pat Gottstein, Bob and Mary Lou Morris, Paul Bahnmaier, Susie Hackathorn, Kim Stewart, Mary Jane Hoffer and others that did not sign in.
Tim McNish motioned to approve the minutes from March 19, 2012 pending date correction. Christy Mallonee Seconded the motion
Further discussion incurred about corrections –Elsie Middleton asked why there was nothing in the meeting minutes about the 2 resignations. City Attorney Lee suggested adding the verbiage: Christy and Jennifer requested resignation and that ended the Council meeting without a quorum.
Tim McNish moved to withdraw his motion to approve the original minutes. Christy Mallonee seconded. Vote carried 3-yays 0-nays 1-abstaining
Tim McNish motioned to approve the minutes from March 19, 2012 with new language as suggested by City Attorney Lee Hendricks, Christy Mallonee seconded the motion. Vote carried 4-yays 0-nays
The City Council and City Attorney discussed multiple resident complaints about a Pit-bull at 530 E. 7th street. Lee Hendricks reviewed the letter he sent to the property renter and owner at that location. The letter said the renter should provide proof that per city code they have the appropriate insurance, or they should provide proof they have relocated the dog. The property renter did not attend either meeting on March 19th, or March 21st.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned that Lee Hendricks proceed with legal actions to have the dog removed from the City or provide proper proof of insurance. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Vote carries 4-yays 0-nays
Pat Gottstein presented JCI insurance renewal premium numbers
Bill Roberts – Reviewed letter from Kansas State Historical Society regarding his property at 405 E. Woodson.
Vicki Bahnmaier asked for some time to tear down the shed structure to save the lumber, and in the process of restoring the old outhouse if the termites have gotten too far into that, then they will tear it down as well. Vicki and Bill requested 2 weeks to tear down the shed structure.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to allow the outhouse to stand until the last meeting in September being September 17th 2012, when it’s condition will be re-assessed. Bill Roberts is given until April 2nd to tear down and deal with the shed structure primarily in question. Elsie Middleton seconds the motion. Vote carries 4-yay 0-nay
Lee Hendricks will notify the Kansas State Historical Society of the plans.
Justin –
– Well acidized will cost $7000 for both not the original projection of $7000 each
– Water Plant – High Velocity Pump issues – being worked on Thursday
– Street Repair – Discussion about Halderman and 7th Street
Lynley –
– “Snow Bird” Charges – credit accounts for the time they were gone and shouldn’t have had a bill.
– Lee will bring about a new resolution to the ordinance at next City Council meeting.
Mark L. Tunstall –
– Have Old Lecompton H/S building appraised – to entertain idea of selling the High-School outright
– For now Old High School committee continue on – revisit July 16th meeting.
Discussion about insurance policies occurred among the City Council
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to change insurance companies to AG Insurance additionally increase the coverage for the water tower to $750,00.00 and the Old High School to $500,000.00 Elsie Middleton seconds the motion. Vote carries 4-yays 0-nays
No updates on 7th Street overlay improvements – still in progress
Mayor appointed Jimmy Wilkins as Council President
Tim McNish made a motion to accept the Mayors appointment of Council President. Christy Mallonee seconded the motion. Vote carries 3-yays 0-nays
9:30 pm Elsie Middleton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion. Vote Carries 4-yays, 0-nays
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk