July 16, 2012, 2012 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle, City Accountant Jim Long, City Attorney Lee Hendricks; residents or township citizens: Lori Wilkins, William Smith, Cindy Treaster, Denzil Hackathorn, and Andy Tuttle

At 7:01PM Mayor Mark L. Tunstall closed the regular City Council meeting and opened a Budget Hearing meeting to discuss the proposed 2013 budget. City Accountant Jim Long presented the proposed budget, discussion of water rates, current cost to produce water, and the Mill Levy were discussed.

7:28 PM Mayor Mark L. Tunstall closed the Budget hearing.

7:29 PM Mayor Mark L. Tunstall opened the regular City Council Meeting.

Tim McNish made a motion to accept the proposed 2013 budget as presented. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion. Discussion occurred on any interest to raise the Mill Levy. Motion was voted on 2 yay 3 nay – motion died

Jimmy Wilkins made a motion to increase the Mill Levy 1.5 and use the revenue from that increase to pay the debt service fund. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Motion carries 5 yays, 0 nays

Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the July 02, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes. Elsie Middleton seconded the motioned. Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the bills before the council. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Some discussion occurred about the use of part time help and the cost of a couple items. Once explained the motion was voted on. Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays

Denzil Hackathorn – Sediment in his water issue – after discussing ideas on how to resolve, council decided that City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle would install a “U” blow off valve at Denzil’s meter, so Justin could flush the system Monthly during meter reads. Denzil seemed happy with this solution.

– Sander – Council would like Justin to obtain 3-bids and update pricing on sanders and present at the next council meeting
– P/T help – Discussion about use of part time help – City Clerk will attach a copy of p/t employee time sheets to payroll vouchers

Lynley –
– Metcon handrails installed within next two weeks = $ 1712.50
– Elevator update – Spoke with Brian at interstate elevator – yes, it is a federal requirement to have a phone in the elevator. Because our building is vacant and the emergency bell works, he says he wouldn’t worry about it. To put a phone in it, you have to have a dedicated line and the installation and elevator phone costs around $2000.00
– “Thank you” from fire department regarding donated copy machine.
– Nextech – installation of antenna’s at water tower – no contract was ever sent to City Attorney Lee Hendricks for review – holding off on installation until Lee negotiates terms and the terms are accepted.

Lee Hendricks –
– Update John Chaney property (south crest) – Loan officer at 1st state bank indicated that they don’t have much experience with a non-income producing property such as this. The bank will address the code violations quickly. With almost 10 acres the bank is quoted as saying “they are willing to give the City of Lecompton a heck of a deal if they would be interested in purchasing the property.” Lee will check back next week to see if any changes have been made on the property.
– Pat Ragan/ Mobile Village – question about zoning/grandfathering issue – Lee will send letter to Pat Ragan
– Former H/S tax evaluation – appeal on tax evaluation needs to occur within 30 days of when appraisal comes in. Usually in March/April – Wise to wait until next March/April to appeal the appraisal unless the potential sale of the building happens before then.

Old Business –
– Cindy Treaster – former h/s updates: cleanup day, had about 20 people show up – clean up went outstanding! Building looks much better than it did before cleanup, even took up the old carpet in the auditorium and re-exposed the original beautiful hardwood. Planning one cleanup day per month. One issue of concern is the S.E. downspout at mentioned before. The City Fire Dept. does not have a ladder truck that will enable us to reach that high. With the last rain we had, there was some dampness in the S.E. corner of the conference room. Also, one brick has come out near the top of where that downspout is.
o Elsie Middleton motioned to have City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle call roofing and gutter companies and price what they would charge to come out and clean out/repair the broken down spout, and possibly check all the gutters and downspouts if the cost is $500.00 or less. Make sure the company is bonded and insured. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion. Vote carries 5 yays, 0 nays
o Territorial Day Committee is becoming part of the PRIDE committee
o Wednesday is the community PRIDE meeting at 7pm to discuss future ideas for city improvements.
 Lee Hendricks advised at the start of the PRIDE meeting, if there are more than 2 city council members present, that it should be announced that the meeting is not a City Council Meeting, that the council members present are there as citizens.
– Sewer Charges for Mobile Lodge Trailer Court – After discussion the City Council decided that at this time there would be no changes in the way the Mobile Lodge Trailer Court is being charged for Sewer usage.

New Business –
– Mayor Mark L. Tunstall appointed Karla Meyers, Crystal Leming and Sandy Nichols to the open Planning Commission seats available.
– Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the appointments to the planning commission, Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Vote carries 5 yays, 0 nays
– Elsie Middleton – Brought forth a resolution supporting the USPS in opposing the HR 2309 Postal Reform Act. – Public comment regarding the issue from Andy Tuttle was heard.
– Jimmy Wilkins motioned that City of Lecompton resolution number 283 be signed supporting the opposition to HR 2309, The postal service reform act. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays.

8:55 pm Jimmy Wilkins motioned to adjourn, Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Vote carries 5 yay, 0 nays.

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk