7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle; residents or township citizens: Lori Wilkins, William Smith, Sandy Jacquot, Cyndi Treaster, Mary Lou Morris, Cynthia Haines, and Terri Smith.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the August 20, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motioned, with corrections which included adding Linda Gerdes to present residents and to include the motion made by Councilman Tim McNish on approving Ordinance #810 was approved 5 yay, 0 nays.
Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays
Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the bills before the council. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Discussion about what part time help and fuel cost occurred.
Vote carried 5yays, 0 nays
Teri Smith – Emergency Management Director for Douglas County, Kansas presented the City Council a proclamation for the Month of September recognizing September as National Preparedness Month for the City of Lecompton. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall read the proclamation aloud, and signed and sealed the document.
Elsie Middleton motioned to approve the Mayors proclamation designating the Month of September 2012 as National Preparedness Month for the City of Lecompton. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion
Vote Carried 5 yays, 0 nays
Teri Smith also presented information on National Preparedness Month activities occurring in Douglas County, Kansas. September 29th there will be a preparedness fair at the Douglas County Fair Grounds in Lawrence, Kansas. There will be lots of give away’s and information booths on how to prepare for emergency situations. Additionally Teri provided information on IRIS call notification system – if the council or City residents were interested Douglas County Emergency can set up a day with computers to help register those in the City who would like to have increased notification through telephone, text messaging, email etc.
Cynthia Haines – Just Foods – food bank – Cynthia presented information to the Council just informing the council that the service does exist and it serves our community in Lecompton. Our local food pantry at United Methodist Church is serving 17 families. Any time you see a food drive barrel with Just Foods as the recipient, know that it is benefiting Lecompton. Just foods has also started cooking classes to teach those who receive food assistance so they know what to do with some of the whole foods they receive.
Sandy Jacquot – Presented information regarding the Douglas County Community Foundation and how it works with the Lecompton PRIDE committee to provide an account for individuals to donate funds to the PRIDE group and those donors are able to receive a tax deduction number/receipt.
Cindy Treaster – Update on Lecompton PRIDE Committee – Great things are starting to happen! 20 kids signed up for dance classes; 126 likes on facebook; Zumba classes start next Wednesday; currently PRIDE is soliciting donations for carpet and paint for the building. City Clerk Lynley Sanford is to provide signed copies of tax exempt forms to PRIDE for donors. PRIDE committee is still working on the internet café – Dr. Yoder has approved PRIDE to have access to the USD 343 gym II for indoor walking.
More discussion on which new A/C unit to purchase for the former HighSchool Building occurred. Elsie Middleton motioned to go with Lower heating and air for the Trane A/C replacement unit as described in the bid presented to the council in the amount of $2537.44 Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion
Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays
Mayor Mark – requested that City Clerk Lynley Sanford send grass nuisance letters to residents at 430 and 424 Whitfield. The grass in the ditch is over 12” in height and needs mowed.
– Alarm at former H/S that went off on Friday August 31st. Sheriff’s department was dispatched and searched the building, no one was inside, it looked as though someone did not get the 2nd floor emergency/fire exit door closed completely. The PRIDE committee members informed us that only 4 individuals on the committee have keys to the building and no one else and there will be a maximum of 6 people that will have keys in the future.
Justin –
– Water usage issue with Mobile Lodge trailer park – Mark will contact Lana Keever trailer park manager and speak with her about the issue.
– Using part time help this week – Bad tooth requires surgery on top of having a cold/sinus issues
Lynley Sanford –
– Presented letter from Craig Weinaug showing that Douglas County Administrators support the Lecompton Post Office. Letter and resolution was sent to the KS Senators and Representatives supporting the USPS and specifically named the City of Lecompton as being one location in danger of losing their post office.
– Issue with City Website – Contacted Dan – the log in page for Administrative controls is down, and I cannot make changes to the website.
– Craig Weinaug – cycling group coming through Lecompton. They were looking for a good place to stop and refresh – does the City have a preference on where they stop?
– No – the City feels that where ever they would like to stop, if the group has a preference than it’s fine. If they need to use the restrooms at the CB we can make that available for them. Notify Kroegers that a large group of cyclists will be coming through and see if they would like to extend their hours.
– Informed Council of issue with resident Paul Abbey concerning his water bill. Also Lester Traxler water leak which is being taken care of Wednesday.
– Electrical Meter Inspection permit came in for Misty Stambaugh at 619 Whitfield Lot 5A. Tim McNish motioned to approve the Electric Meter Inspection permit, Elsie Middleon seconded the motion. Vote carries 5 yay, 0 nay
– Lynley spoke with the council about insurance coverage for her unborn child. Elsie Middleton motioned to extend the Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance coverage to Lynley and her Baby. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Vote carried 5 yay, 0 nays.
– The City Council also stated they were okay with Sandy Nichols covering the office during Lynley’s maternity leave and that when Lynley returns she may have the baby in office for 6 months.
New Business –
– After hours emergency contact – who are residents supposed to call in the event they have a city utility issue (water main break) – essentially Justin. Lynley will check with Douglas County Sheriffs department to see about emergency contact arrangement, and possibly change the message on the machine to include Justin’s phone number in the event of an emergency.
– Mr. Matthews concern about Johnson grass growing in the right away between his sister’s property and the City water tower property. City has determined that mowing the grass off as best the superintendent can is how they will handle it.
9:05 pm Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn the city council meeting. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion. Vote carries 5 yays, 0 nays.
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk