December 03, 2012, 2012 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, and Part Time City Superintendent Cody Nichols, City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle was not present. Residents or township citizens: Lori Wilkins, Taryn Wilkins and Sandy Nichols

Elsie Middleton motioned to approve the November 19th, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes with a correction, adding that the PRIDE committee has been including the cost of gas and electric utilities in the checks they are writing to the City, just not the water utility. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays

Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the bills before the council, with the exception of the Douglas County Real Estate Taxes due on two portions of property. It was requested that the City Clerk research what two sections of land these are for, and if the City can apply for Tax Exemption. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Vote carried 5 yays, 0 nays

Paul Abbey was on the agenda to speak to the city council regarding his water bill, but he did not appear before the City Council

City Clerk Lynley Sanford recounted an incident that involved Mr. Paul Abbey so the City Council was aware of the matter.

No updates from City Superintendent Justin VanWinkle

No updates from Part time Superintendent Cody Nichols

– Review HACH service partnership
– Encore presentation of PRIDE play on Sunday December 9th @ 1:30pm
– PRIDE committee reimbursed City of Lecompton $562.44 towards building expenses.
– Mobile Lodge – Disputed September 2012 bill – the water meter was tested by KRWA the result of the test indicated the meter was well within accuracy specifications. Council determined that Mobile Lodge request for reimbursement of the September bill is denied and per city code, they will be charged $35 for meter testing fee. If there are any further charges from KRWA they will be passed on to Mobile Lodge as well.
– Discussion of the CB arose, council would like to slowly phase out the heavy 8ft. brown tables and replace them with the “Mitey” light tables.
– Concern about the wood flooring along the south wall near the register vent was mentioned. Council person Jimmy Wilkins will take a look at it to see if it needs immediate attention.

Old Business –
– Mid America Bank – reimbursement on Boone St. property. Waiting to hear back from Dg. Co. Zoning for final closeout on home inspection
– Sheriffs office has been bleached/cleaned – mildew removed – Cody will be painting Kilz on it this week – dehumidifier has been purchased and is running

New Business –
– Regarding additional Mayors pay from previous meeting.

– Jimmy Wilkins motioned for the Mayor of the City of Lecompton, Kansas to receive per month an additional $30.00 (Thirty dollars) for miscellaneous city business he takes care of and for other meetings he attends outside of regular City Council or special meetings related to City Business, which is to be added to his normal payroll check. Tim McNish seconded the motion. Vote Carries 5 yays; 0 Nays

– Jimmy not attending December 17th meeting

8:00PM – Jimmy Wilkins motioned to adjourn, Elsie Middleton seconds the motion. Vote carries 5 yays. 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk