December 10, 2012

Lecompton Planning Commission

Commissioners attending: Chairman Jeff Robertson, Sandy Nichols, Karla Meyer, Amber Nickel.
Absent Commissioners: Brenda Hastert and Kathy Paslay.
Chairman Robertson called meeting to order at 7:00pm. Approved minutes from June meeting as there were not commissioners present at the September meeting, there was no quorum.
Motion to Approve June 11, 2012 Minutes by Robertson, seconded by Nickel.
Presentation of Requests and Petitions:
Commissioners unanimously voted to send a recommendation to City Council to approve licensing for Jamin Nally. Nally plans on opening a restaurant on in the business area of Elmore St.
A letter of recommendation was prepared for the City Council.
Reports of Standing and Special Committees- None.
Notices and Communications- None.
Old Business- None.
New Business:
Planning Commissioner Brenda Hastert’s resignation announced and forwarded to City Council.
New Planning Commissioner Karla Meyer volunteered to be the PC representative on the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Chairman Robertson expressed concern with Lecompton Methodist Church new parking lot (the former Wood n’ Stuff location.)Robertson requested a copy of City Council meeting minutes to review if City approved without recommendations from Planning Commission. He also requests a few minutes to address Lecompton City Council during the December 17, 2012 meeting.
Commissioner Nichols expressed concern for out of date flood plan maps. Commissioner Meyer moved to have Commissioner Nichols approach city council for updated maps. Seconded by Nickel. Approved.
Motion to adjourn by Commission Nickel at 8:24pm. Approved.