January 7, 2013, 2013 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Mark L. Tunstall brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, Mary Jane Hoffer, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present. The following were also present: Assistant City Clerk Sandy Nichols, City and Superintendent Justin VanWinkle. City Clerk, Lynley Sanford is on maternity leave. Residents or township citizens present: Bill Smith, Lori Wilkins, Paul Bahnmaier and student Bryan Holmes.

Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the December 17, 2012 City Council Meeting Minutes with correction under “New Business”, third item: change “stated that” to “was told”. Tim McNish seconded the motion with correction. Vote carried 5 yeas, 0 nays

Bills: It was noted the bulbs and extension cord on the Wal-Mart statement were not for the Pride Building. Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the bills before the council with the correction made. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Vote carried yeas, 0 nays

Paul Bahnmaier stated the snow removal was excellent in Lecompton compared to other local communities. Mr. Bahnmaier requested the city council send a letter requesting information for questions asked at the Post Office meeting. No information has been received at this time. It was stated at the meeting questions that could not be answered would be checked on and answers submitted. This information should be available through the Freedom of Information Act. Mr. Bahnmaier suggested the letter be sent to State Representative, State Senators, and others. Mr. Bahnmaier will help Assistant City Clerk with the letters. The reasoning’s for savings do not make sense as the postal truck still parks in Lecompton, mail carriers received substantial pay increases, Perry Post Master received pay increase, and the mail still has to be sorted. A copy of the official minutes taken by the Perry Post Master has not been received and was to be sent. Mayor Tunstall recommended sending the letter and Mr. Bahnmaier and the Assistant City Clerk work together to comprise the letter for Mayor Tunstall to sign.

Bill Smith: The gutter above the east door at the Pride Building has a leak and a large ice cycle formed. After discussion it was suggested Justin contact Wilco gutter to check all gutters.

Justin: Lana, with the trailer court, has requested to be present when the water meters are read.
Some equipment needs work done: roller has hydraulic leaks, scraper bar needs work; trailer needs floor boards replaced, small mower has front end issues, pulleys, bearings, belts also. Justin can do this work; Dump truck’s PTO shaft, pump brackets need fabrication work; panels up at the salt/sand area to keep salt off tin.
Jimmy suggested getting estimates for a street sweeper/broom. Justin will check.

Elsie: 2013 vacations; can they be scheduled so city employees are not off at Territorial Time? After discussion it was decided that the employees have been available when needed.
Territorial Day signs: Justin will be making changes
CB use on-line viewing: after discussion it was decided not to put the CB use on-line
Roof on salt/sand bldg.: roofing was completed last week
Handicap railings: past bid agencies either did not show or are no longer interested. It was recommended Justin check with Kampschroder west of town.
Allan Jack property complaint: Mayor Tunstall reported he had looked at the property and saw no drainage issues and the property appears to be fine at this time.

Lynley/Sandy: A letter from Interstate Elevator was read stating there would be an increase of the Service Agreement for the elevators to $756.00. The council would like the assistant clerk to check if this is an hourly rate or a yearly rate and what it includes.

Justin suggested to Mr. Smith that he would like to be present when someone comes to work on the heating/boiler and/or air conditioning so he can stay informed of any changes and information. Mr. Smith and the council all agreed this would be a good idea.

Planning Commission Flood Plain Map update: after discussion Mary Jane made a motion to proceed with Mr. Riggs to get information on how to proceed as long as the cost did not exceed $500. Vote was 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Recodification: Sandy is to get an updated estimated cost from LKM. The council will start spending time after each meeting when possible to review the current codes before sending off for recodification. Mary Jane and Susie do not have code books. Jimmy will check, Tim not sure.

A gentleman called regarding building on two lots in South Crest Development. After discussion Susie made a motion for the gentleman to meet with the Planning Commission with his plans. Mary Jane seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Ordinance #812 regarding increases of Mayor’s Pay: After reviewing Ord. #812 Jimmy made a motion to approve Ordinance #812. Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

GAAP Resolution #284: After a reading of Resolution #284, Jimmy made a motion to approve Resolution #284. Elsie seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

MPO: After discussion Mary Jane said she would volunteer to represent the council on the MPO Board. Mayor Tunstall appointed Mary Jane to represent the Lecompton City Council on the MPO Board. Susie made a motion to accept Mayor Tunstall’s appointment. Elsie/Tim seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

8:20PM – Elsie motioned to adjourn, Tim McNish seconded the motion and the vote passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Sandy Nichols
Assistant City Clerk