January 7, 2013 Agenda

LECOMPTON AGENDA January 07, 2013

Open City Council Meeting

Roll Call

Approve minutes

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Cyndi Treaster – Lecompton Community Pride



2013 vacation schedule; city garage sale date; update Territorial Days signs to 6/21 & 6/22; on-line viewing of CB use;
Old Business status: roof for sand/gravel bldg.; handicap railing at city office & CB; allan Jack property complaint;

Lynley (Sandy Nichols) – Interstate Elevator; P/C redo maps & recommendations or laws; re-codification;

Old business
– Approve Ordinance #812 – increase in Mayor Pay

New business
– GAAP Resolution # 284
– MPO Policy Board meeting (Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board)
