January 22, 2013 Agenda

LECOMPTON AGENDA January 22, 2012

Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes

Approve bills
Monthly Financial Report; Nov., Dec., & yearend report to be published

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Cyndi Treaster – Lecompton Community Pride?

Lee 2nd meeting
January pay for mayor include the additional $30?
Elsie: church parking lot

Wilco Guttering
Kampschroeder Machine & Repair
Meter set with leak

Mayor Tunstall – approved part time employees reading meters do to Justin’s hours for the week
Approved new tires for truck
City charge card to be discussed
Sidewalk grant – Donna Crawford is checking; usually only when damaged during construction or handicap entrances
Douglas County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training; Lecompton Fire Station April 26, 27, 28
KRWA meeting: March 28 in Wichita; appoint voting delegate to attend. Conference March 26-28
KRWA; CCR report to the web

Dg Co GIS; need vacated information; might be able to update city boundary/floodplain map with 2012 picture map

Old business
Interstate Elevator $720 to $756
Perry Garage Sales no reply to request
Bulk trash pickup June 8, 2013 for SM Ball
John Riggs
Freedom of Information Act letter signed my Mayor Tunstall

PC appointment

New business
Mark – Safety boots
