March 11, 2013 Minutes


Lecompton Planning Commission

March 11, 2013

Call to order at 7:00

Commissioners attending: Chairman Jeff Robertson
Commissioners: Sandy Nichols, Kathy Paslay, Dave Glenn, Crystal Leming
and Amber NIckel.

A Motion to approve December 10, 2012 minutes by Sandy Nichols, seconded by Amber Nickel.

A Motion to send letter to city council with no recommendations and a “Thank you” for presentation of letter for review.

Old Business:
Methodist Church parking lot update by Chairman Robertson. City gave approval.
Flood plan maps: Sandy Nichols informed commission of updated map provided by Douglas County.

New Business:
Motion by Kathy Paslay to move meeting night from second Monday to second Wednesday. Seconded by Amber Nickel.

Recommend City Clerk draft letter to change Bi-Laws to change meeting day. To be signed by both Chairman and Secretary.