May 20, 2013


Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call

Approve minutes

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

– AG Insurance premium – review

– Beth Lacava – Water meters – at downtown business

– Dog Complaint

Rance Roberts
– Review bids for tree removal


– Clerk training in Roeland Park (6/28 (Friday) $75)
– Vacation – 7/13-7/21 (Sandy N. cover?)
– Torgeson Trenching will be working near 425 Woodson – installing power box for Cox Cable

Old business
– Consider livestock ord. to allow for horses.
– Ed Smith – bldg. permit ext. to 6 months (previously ext. for 90days)
– Purchasing cards
– Reimbursement on cell phone for Rance

New business
– Announce City Wide Garage Sales? – LJW? Craigslist? Trading Post? Penny Saver?
– Street work? (Chip n’seal)- street priority list?
– Mary Jane – MPO Update

– Support Lecompton Community Pride – Weekend of the city-wide garage sales.
Have a hotdog at Kroeger’s Country Meats on Friday May 31 and Saturday June 1! The hotdogs are the big ones from Fanestil Meats
Prices:– solo hotdog – $3.00; Hotdog Meal (including chips & a can of soda) $4.50
Kroeger’s will donate $1.00 of every solo hotdog sale and another .50 cents of the chips and pop sale to Pride for the Theater Renovation
