Meeting date: 9-11-13, 7:00 p.m. at Lecompton City Hall
Sandy Nichols Kim Stewart
Karla Meyer Jamin Nally
Kevin Newman Kathy Paslay
Not present: Crystal Leming
Meeting came to order at 7 p.m.
Did introduction of new members. Discussed planning commission duties.
Karla motioned, Kathy Paslay seconded, and all approved the minutes from the 6-12-13 meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. David Swisher came in to question the cost of building permit fee, why is it higher than Lawrence or Douglas County. They were advised by commission member Sandy Nichols this is a matter to take up with City Counsel.
It is based on 1% of the estimated building fee, and wanted to know if they hit rock and changed their mind about building could they get the building permit money back. Sandy advised them this is to help cover cost of all inspections, and would be matter for City Council, but possibly if none of those fees had been expended yet, they could be returned if cancelled building plans. The Swishers then left the meeting.
The Commission then discussed what a manufactured home district is versus a manufactured home park district, one on Clark and Woodson is a District, and mobile lodge is a Park District. This was used as an example of how to look things up in the books.
Discussed Kansas Open Records Act and Kansas Open Meetings Act. Sandy has requested City Mayor to come and discuss what these things mean, and will plan to attend our December meeting to go over them with the commission.
Sandy advised we meet quarterly unless a special meeting is requested.
We reviewed flow chart of City Boards and Commission appointments.
Sandy Nichols does not want to hold an office as works for City part time. Discussion followed, need to appoint a chairperson, Karla Meyer volunteered for this position. Jamin agreed to be vice president, Kathy Paslay agreed to be secretary. We also need to appoint a member to be on the Board of Zoning Appeals, and Karla advised to put Crystal down for this and she would talk with her.
Karla moved we approve the appointments, Kim seconded, no discussion, all present approved the appointments.
City Council wants copy of our minutes, and we agreed should be marked as “Draft” as they wouldn’t be approved until our next meeting which is 3 months away, so this will now be typed on the minutes to provide the city, as draft only at that time.
We discussed not talking about issues outside of meetings, emailing, etc. We did agree to let Karla and Lynley know when not going to make it to a meeting, in case it would cause us to not have a quorum. 4 = quorum.
Books: Are supposed to be reviewed yearly and some information in the books is not correct. We are to look through them and if any questions we can discuss. Discussed if we take the pages out and remove the spine, the Council would have to approve this as it changes the books.
We also discussed need to have a study session. Next meeting will be study session and zoning ordinance conversation. We are all to read pages 2 thru 5, articles 2 & 3 for the next meeting/study session.
Next meeting is on December 11th at 7:00 p.m.
Karla moved, Sandy seconded, and all approved, to adjourn the meeting, at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Paslay,
Planning Commission Member