Meeting Date: 12-11-13, 7:00 p.m. at Lecompton City Hall
Sandy Nichols
Kim Stewart
Jamin Nally
Crystal Leming
Kathy Paslay
Minutes of prior meeting were discussed, Sandy motioned we approve the minutes, Kim seconded, and all agreed.
There are no requests or petitions to consider at this meeting.
There are no standing or special committees to report.
There is no old business.
There is no new business.
We then conducted a study session/discussion.
Kathy brought up how should be handled if public comes to meeting with a topic, should get information and have a study session and will provide our findings to city Council at their next meeting. This is in Article III #4, and we need to adhere to this. All agreed.
Discussed what a Special Meeting is and what is Study Session. All meetings are to be open to public. Have to go to Executive Session but can’t make any decisions, only recommendations.
Discussed old business questions, Crystal asked about temporary trailers. We advised her request was withdrawn.
Set next meeting to be a study session, on definitions on pages 6-23, and bring any questions we want to discuss. Goal isn’t to change, but for Board to have a clear understanding of the materials.
Sandy motioned to adjourn, Kim seconded, meeting adjourned by Jaimon.
Next meeting is March 12th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Paslay, Secretary,
Lecompton Planning Commission