August 4, 2014 Agenda

LECOMPTON AGENDA August 04, 2014

Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes

Approve bills

Linda Baranski – curbing – see handout – will not be able to be present

Electric upgrade permit – review for approval

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)




Old business
– Water tower – Mixer & vent bid

New business
– Job applications- retention
– Dennis Hatcher’s house/ 130 E. Woodson

– Hired Pat Barnes for permanent part time help
– Vote on Tuesday August 5th, Special question election on Sales Tax
– BZA Special meeting 7pm on Wednesday
– Old H/S waterline replacement starts 8/12
– Chip n’ seal planned to start 8/25
– Rance water exam planned 8/28
