September 02, 2014 Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts, City Attorney Jeff Heiman and City Treasurer Ronald Thacker. Residents or township members present included Lori Wilkins and Jamin Nally.

Elsie Middleton motioned to approve the August 18, 2014 City Council Meeting Minutes with one change. Under Rance when describing what the tubing will do, change rain to run. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Tim McNish motioned to approve the bills before the council. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Terri Smith with Douglas County Emergency Management was present to ask the council to proclaim September at National Preparedness month. Jimmy motioned to approve the proclamation, Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Electric inspection permit 14-233 for Lecompton Mobile Home Park lot 4B was presented to the council.
Elsie Middleton motioned to approve the permit. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Jeff Heiman –
– Discussed sales tax time line to have it on the ballot for the next election

Rance –
– Road repair still needed at 5th and Isacks
– Patchen is not coming this week to acidize the wells
– Chip n’ seal will start September 11th
Lynley –
Old Business –
– Mayor Sandy Jacquot appointed Stephanie Confer to the planning commission. Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the appointment. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
– E- communities meeting was moved to 9/30/14 – need someone to fill in for Mayor Sandy, she will be on vacation. Jamin Nally volunteered to go in the Mayor’s place. Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve Jamin Nally attending the E-communities meeting in place of Mayor Jacquot, Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
– Follow up on weed nuisances with Dennis Hatcher and Stauffer property. Send a kind letter saying thank you for mowing what you have, but there still needs to be more done. Additionally send weed nuisance letters to Belinda Janes and whomever owns the property just West of Kroegers on Boone street.
– Reviewed CD rates from Douglas County Bank
New Business –
– USDA – Rural Development Grant for CB: Discussed requirement for matching funds, council decided to hold onto the information until next year.
– Capital Federal Grant for Pride – Mayor requested authority to sign the grant documents on behalf of the City. Tim McNish motioned to have Mayor Sandy Jacquot sign the Capitol Federal Grant paperwork for the PRIDE committee on behalf of the City of Lecompton. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion. Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
7:42 PM – Jimmy Wilkins motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk