October 20, 2014 Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer, Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts, and City Treasurer Ronald Thacker. Residents or township members present included Lori Wilkins.

Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the October 6, 2014 City Council Meeting Minutes with one correction. Under Rance put a “g” in sure to make it surge. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the bills before the council. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Rance –
– SPD module (surge protector) for water plant. Update: haven’t heard from Davin, supposed to have it ordered. Council suggested following up daily.
– Westar Electricity issues at water plant. Council suggested requesting the recorder from Westar to monitor power spikes/dips etc. The Mayor will look into writing another letter.
Lynley –
– Reviewed newsletter, included changes, addition of information – give until Friday to get any other information in the newsletter then go to print.
– Out of the office Friday November 7th and Monday November 10th for a wedding. Ron Thacker will cover.
Old Business –
– Weed Nuisances: Hatcher, Stauffer, Janes. Hatcher continues to make improvements, reviewed letter he sent to Mayor, no further action at this time. Stauffer/Thrower, letters were being sent to the wrong person, Beverly spoke with the Mayor, and she is working to get the area in violation cleaned up. Janes no response after last letter sent, not much in the way of improvement, put on next agenda to review.
New Business –
– Goats/Llama at Mike Leming’s property: zoned agriculture possibly – will look into it further.
– Grass (hay) overgrown complaint at 515 Whitfield – Send initial violation letter.
– A/C unit covers for Lecompton Pride – Rance has them, may have to pick up one large one.
– PRIDE chairs – PRIDE received an anonymous donation of $2000 that they will use to purchase nice white folding chairs. The City will front the money initially, and then PRIDE will reimburse the city. Sandy will be out of town as of Wednesday, so if needed Lynley will work with Elsie to complete making the order.
– Ball Association water bill is $5.70, the clerk has sent it to both the Lecompton Ball Association and the USD 343 school district. Neither has paid it, not sure what to do next? Council discussed and decided the best action would be to turn it off and lock it, and when who-ever needs to use it next, they will have to pay the late bill before we turn the water back on. Suspend the account if possible so no additional late fees will be added.
– Coordinate with Westar to put up pole light decorations, before Thanksgiving
– Christmas light contest – yes do again, awards the same as last year.
– Coordinate with volunteers from the community and City staff to decorate City Park, have a Santa Claus, and hold a Christmas Lighting Ceremony.
– Jimmy reminded Rance about treating the boiler and getting boiler chemicals.
8:05 PM – Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to adjourn. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk