7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Jimmy Wilkins, Mary Jane Hoffer, and Susie Hackathorn were present at roll call. Council member Elsie Middleton was absent. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford and City Superintendent Rance Roberts. Residents attending included Jeff Pattin and Doug Hess.
Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the August 8th, 2015 City Council Meeting Minutes. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the bills before the council. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Jeff Pattin – discussed the contract for work to be performed on the Community Building. Both parties agreed to the contract for work with some small changes. Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the contract subject to the changes discussed. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion. Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Contract was signed and witnessed. Jeff Pattin requested the first draw to pay for flooring materials.
Tim McNish motioned to approve a draw in the amount of $18928.71 to pay for flooring materials to get started on the community building project. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
City Clerk Lynley Sanford drew up a handwritten check and provided it to Jeff Pattin. Project is set to begin Monday August 24th.
Doug Hess –building permit for a new accessory building on his property, building permit #15-245. City Council reviewed plans, reviewed setback requirements.
Tim McNish motioned to approve building permit #15-245 for new construction of an accessory building as presented in the application. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
Rance –
– Water exam – passed
– Review water tower cleanout report – everything looked good, only suggestions were the same suggestions from inspection – council decided not to take action at this time.
– Jones street repairs – the Rock is doing it’s job, it was suggested that millings be overlayed on it again.
– Flush out at Tunstall’s – hydrant vs. joining it back in vs. putting in a hose. Consensus of the council that a hydrant would be the best answer.
Lynley –
– Crack sealant bid review – Jimmy Wilkins motioned to award the crack sealing bid to Vance Brothers, and to crack seal up to a mile worth of cracks. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
– Jayhawk Utility Billing Cards – checked with council about ordering them, general consensus of council was to make the purchase.
Old Business –
– Falk Property update: Martha Falk called and said Jo and Lacey were evicted by the courts and should be out by the 30th, in the mean time they are working to do some cleanup. When they are out, Martha will go up and finish cleaning the property. Consensus of the council is to wait until September to see what will happen.
– Pride building –S.E. corner of Ft. Titus room –maybe look into tuck pointing. Rance will look into digging out the ground drainage pipe to see if it is blocked up.
– Logistics of moving out Community Building stuff. It will have to be done on August 23rd
New Business –
– Flushing hydrants/water lines this week
– KDOT would like to meet on Monday August 31st to discuss options for the K-10 and south Lawrence traffic way. Council agreed we should call a special meeting and meet with KDOT. City Clerk Lynley Sanford will provide public notice of the special meeting and send a reminder email to the council before the meeting.
– Thank you for Kaw Camp kids for planting flowers at the Community Building
– Tree at PRIDE building on the West side lawn. Rance indicated that it is mostly dead and he can take it down this fall.
Jimmy Wilkins motioned to enter into executive session at 8:20pm for 10 minutes regarding non-elected personnel wages. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays.
8:30pm – Mayor declared executive session out at 8:30pm
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned for a $.80 cent pay increase for both City Clerk Lynley Sanford and City Superintendent Rance Roberts effective immediately. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yeas, 0 nays
8:32PM – Jimmy Wilkins motioned to adjourn. Mary Jane Hoffer seconded the motion.
Motion passed 4 yays, 0 nays
Lynley Sanford,
City Clerk