July 17, 2017 City Council Meeting Agenda


Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes – June 5th & 19th

Approve bills – 7/3 & 7/17

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

– 2018 Budget – Adopt for publication and set public hearing

– Ord no. annex property into City Limits

– Ord no. keeping of animals
• Complaint about residences with chickens @ 441 Isacks

– Troy Clark – New Business Start up – present business plan/ideas/discussion

– Taylor Dietz – home build on Jones St.

Jeff Heiman –

Rance –
– Lagoon aerator replacement
– Wastewater samplings/labs/change in wastewater permit
– Review W/P backwash/wastewater inspection report

Lynley –
– Out of town 7/31-8/6 – Sharron Roberts covering office hours
– Dept. of Labor re: amusement rides – letter

Old business –
– Property concerns: Dusty Gruver (2-campers, 3-vehicles in fence row); Belinda Janes, Jeff Morris, Dennis Hatcher, Troy Pfeffer, Pat Ragan, Bill Willis

New business –
– SM Ball trash service – selling business
– Duncan new property owners (Lemasany)/water use agreement for wells
– Ellen Duncan donated water color painting to Community Building
– Marlene Hackathorn donated wall clock to Community Building
– Elsie Middleton – Introduce Network KS “youth entrepreneur challenge”
– Bank merger
