7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford, City Superintendent Rance Roberts and City Attorney Jeff Heiman. Residents or township members included Troy & Vickie Clark
Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the December 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Minutes, Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve the bills before the council. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays
– Concern about Dog at 334 Clark Lot D – Charlie Osburn is concerned; dog appears to be Pitbull breed. His concern is his elderly mother lives next door, and the people that own the dog let it out without a leash and no fenced in yard to go to the bathroom. Not knowing if the dog is vicious or not, he’s worried the dog might attack his mother. He indicated he would attempt a neighborly conversation with the dog owners first. The Council discussed the Pitbull Ordinance and indicated the dog owners should be sent a letter with the a copy of the Ordinance.
Jeff Heiman
– No updates
Rance –
– Need a vent-less wall hanging gas heater for the rural water district shed. The electric heater in the shed quit over the weekend and it was 29* in there. The main water connection to RWD #3 is in that shed, and we don’t want that to freeze. The council indicated Rance should just pick one up and look at reconnecting gas service.
Lynley –
– Asked for advice on titling the new tilt bed trailer –Tim McNish indicated you sign it as City of Lecompton and add who ever turns in the paperwork will sign, need proof of insurance or insurance on the vehicle that will be towing it and pay the fee.
– Informed the council that permit no. 17-263 for Denise Steven was authorized prior to the council meeting to allow for temporary electric service. Her home had caught fire, the service was needed to start the cleaning and repair/remodeling work.
Old Business
– Black dog issue on Boone St. – Not thinking it is Mike Jones’s dog, believe it is Kathleen Wallace’s dog. Council requested a letter be sent to her about keeping dog inside the fence.
– City Council discussed the Heritage Grant opportunity. More discussion about improvements that could be continued on our Community Building included the South and East doors, Window repairs, Removal of the black algae growth on the building. The council requested that the State Historic Society be contacted to see who the recommend and what the hoops are to jump through to improve the doors and windows.
– Status of trucks and trailers originally thought to be on Pollards property off North 2nd street. After viewing the property, the items in question are not on the Pollards property, but on the property of Mike Coffman. The council asked that a letter be sent to Mr. Coffman with the code violations and ask him to clean up and organize the area.
New Business
– Candidate suggestions for the planning commission. There is a city position available. The council suggested asked Deanna Posik, Dave or Diane Swisher and anyone else we thought might be interested.
– For the meeting on January 8th, this meeting was set up to swear in newly elected officials. Does the council want to conduct regular business that evening? The consensus of the council was not to conduct regular business, and to put items on the next scheduled meeting January 16th.
– Interstate Elevator contract is up for renewal. The price of the maintenance contract has increased by about $100 annually. Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve continuing the elevator maintenance contract with Interstate Elevator. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
7:34PM – Elsie Middleton motioned to adjourn. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays
Lynley Sanford, City Clerk