March 19, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes


7:00 P.M. Mayor Sandy Jacquot brought the Lecompton City Council Meeting to order at 327 Elmore, Lecompton, KS. Council Members Tim McNish, Mary Jane Hoffer Jimmy Wilkins, Susie Hackathorn and Elsie Middleton were present at roll call. The following were also present: City Clerk Lynley Sanford and Superintendent Rance Roberts. Lecompton residents and township members included Betsy Springer.

Mary Jane Hoffer motioned to approve the March 5, 2018 City council Meeting Minutes. Susie Hackathorn seconded the motion with corrections.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Jimmy Wilkins motioned to approve the bills before the council. Tim McNish seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

Council discussed the cleanup job that the City Superintendent and assistant superintendent did at 344 Clark. They thought the cleanup looked great, and after Jeff reviews the invoice for work performed agreed to go ahead with billing through first class mail and certified return receipt mailings.

Rance –
– Square “D” VFD electric control module for water plant high service pumps, one has gone bad. Replacement module has been updated, it’s a different size. Electric company will have to update the cabinet in water plant. Rough estimate of cost is around $4000.
– Planned to be gone 3/27-3/29 for the water/waste water conference in Wichita, KS. Will take the Water II test on Thursday 3/29.
– Question regarding horse trailer from 344 Clark street cleanup. It is currently being stored at a city owned sight. How can the City legally discard of the trailer? Can we sell it, scrap it or what to do with it? Possible to offer the owner re-claim it but cannot store it at the Clark street location anymore. Ask City Attorney Jeff Heiman to advice.

Lynley –
– Spring newsletter for review – council approved mailing of the newsletter as soon as bulk trash p/u dates were arranged.

The council discussed Jones street chip and seal improvement. A few people who live on Jones Street that would be affected were in attendance and discussion about when the improvement would take place and how long the road would have to be closed was discussed. The attending residents indicated that they would make it work, and asked if a notice would be provided ahead of time so they could make appropriate arrangements. The Council indicated that some notice would be able to be provided, but we could not guarantee a full week. General consensus seemed to be to see where the cost of the road improvement comes in with the bid and if affordable to proceed.

Old Business
– Downtown sidewalk – concrete shaving occurred on 3/13. Councilman Jimmy Wilkins did speak with concrete contractor Dean Penny regarding the job. Mr. Penny had various excuses about why the work hadn’t been completed until now, and various reason the sidewalk was cracking, but none of them were his fault. Owner of Advanced Plumbing, Inc. Chuck Folks will not answer or return Jimmy’s phone calls. The consensus of the City Council is that we will no longer request or accept bids for work from Advanced Plumbing, Inc.
– Discussion about how to further improve the look of the stone curb and side walk occurred. City Superintendent Rance Roberts volunteered to make the improvements. His thought is to saw cut about 12” from the stone curbs a section at a time, pull up the stone curbs, cut them to butt up evenly against each other and fill in with dirt so they are all level height. Once section is done, then poor fresh concrete. The council also indicated that it would be okay for assistant Kevin to go over his normal part time hours for this project.
– Roof of house at 520 E. 3rd. The roof has caved in on the small addition room. Council requested a letter be sent to the owners on file that it needs repaired.
– Shane Jones registered all his dogs and purchased a Kennel license.
– Pat Winchester registered his dogs
– Reviewed the Douglas County Zoning pre-agreement letter. The City discussed and authorized to move forward with a formal arrangement with the county. The council recommended having City Attorney Jeff Heiman reply to Douglas County Zoning, and also draft the agreement.

New Business

– Territorial Days donation – 2017 donation was $1500. Susie Hackathorn motioned to approve donating $1500 to the Territorial Day Committee. Mary Jane Hoffer Seconded the motion.
Motion Passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.
– Zip line rental contract for Territorial Day. The committee needs to know the utility pole height. Lynley will be working with Westar and Vickie Marino to look at the foot print of the tower and if it would be possible to have the zip-line. Also, regarding the contract for the zip-line, the council asked to have City Attorney Jeff Heiman review and make recommended changes. Have City Clerk Lynley Sanford check with our Municipal Insurance to make sure we have adequate coverage.
– Pride building: Interstate Elevator technician was out to do the annual inspection and indicated that the State of Kansas was going to start enforcing some new laws that pertained to public elevators. One being that a handicap accessible phone is installed in the elevator. The technician indicated this is about a $4000.00 project.
– Pride building Marquee sign; the East side plexi-glass needs replaced, pride will reimburse. It was asked that Superintendent Rance Roberts replace the plexi-glass as soon as he can.
– Roof on PRIDE building – with the windy conditions we had at the beginning of March, we had several rows of shingles pop up on the West side roof. Lynley is to contact the insurance company to see if this is something we should turn into insurance now.
– Marquee sign at the Rowena City park, needs repairs, new plexi-glass, letter tracks, and put back together. Would the council consider going digital with the sign. The consensus of the council was to not go digital, to keep the sign more rustic as it is, and to make repairs to existing structure and continue use.

– 8:00pm Elsie Middleton motioned to go into executive session for 5 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel wages. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays

– 8:05pm City Mayor Sandy Jacquot called the Lecompton City Council Meeting back to order.

– Susie Hackathorn made a motion to increase Kevin Powell the part time City superintendents wages by $0.50 per hours. And a 3% wage increase for Rance Roberts City Superintendent and Lynley Sanford City Clerk. Elsie Middleton seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yeas, 0 nays.

8:07PM – Elsie Middleton motioned to adjourn. Jimmy Wilkins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 yays, 0 nays

Lynley Sanford, City Clerk