March 19, 2018 Lecompton City Council Meeting Agenda


Open City Council Meeting
Roll Call
Approve minutes

Approve bills

Public Comments are Welcome; please wait to be recognized by raising your hand.
(please limit comments to five minutes and stay on topic at hand)

Rance –
– Marquee Sign/Park
– Clark St. Property Clean up (?)
– Square “D” VFD module – update at waterplant/cost
– Water II exam and Continuing Education Classes @ Wichita Conference 3/27-3/29

Lynley –

– Spring Newsletter review

Old business –
– Roof of house at 520 E. 3rd St. (?)
– Pride sign update
– Shane Jones registered all his dogs and purchased a Kennel License.

New business –

– Territorial Days donation – 2018 ($1500 last year)
– Pride Building: Elevator and new plexi-glass for marquee sign
– Roof on Pride building
– Jimmy: Salaries
